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Remarks on behalf of the United States Government
by Dr. Raymond L. Orbach
Under Secretary for Science
U.S. Department of Energy
at the Signing of the ITER Agreement
Paris, France
November 21, 2006

Thank you, Mr. President, Mr. Chairman, fellow heads of delegations, party representatives, distinguished guests, and observers.  The signing of the ITER Agreement is an historic event.  I am proud to represent the United States on this occasion.

This signing ceremony represents both a conclusion and a beginning.  It is the final closure of the negotiations.  And it is the beginning of the ITER International Organization and the construction phase of the ITER Project.  It is also the beginning of a commitment to solve the world’s energy problem by scientists representing more than half of the world’s population.

I want to thank President Chirac for graciously hosting this signing ceremony.  Signing an agreement to pursue twenty-first century science in this historic and beautiful eighteenth century building is a metaphor for how far we have come, and how far we have to go. 

ITER is a central component of President Bush’s Advanced Energy Initiative to develop abundant, environmentally benign, and cost effective energy sources. President Bush announced that the U.S. was joining the ITER negotiations on January 30, 2003.  The President’s initiative in joining ITER allows the United States to share, as well as to contribute to, the combined experience and knowledge that will result from the design, construction and operation of this vital project.  Signing this agreement brings us one step closer to a viable source of fusion power. 

ITER also is the first stand alone, truly international, large-scale scientific research effort in the history of the world.  It will serve as a model for future collaborative large scale science projects.   

Following the initialing of the Agreement in Brussels on May 24, 2006, the Department of Energy transmitted to Congress the final initialed text to begin the 120-day review required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005.  I am pleased to say that, on September 29, 2006, U.S House of Representatives Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert wrote to Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman, “I am satisfied that the Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project has been negotiated in accordance with the requirements listed in paragraph 972(c)(3)” (of the Energy Policy Act of 2005).  I would also like to note, rather modestly, but especially for my dedicated staff, that Chairman Boehlert added, “Under Secretary Orbach and his staff are to be congratulated for their hard work over the past several years in securing this agreement.”

As we move forward to implement this Agreement, let us all keep in mind the enormous responsibility we all share.  The world is counting on us to make ITER a success.  The United States Department of Energy will work with you to achieve that success, to provide to succeeding generations a source of unlimited, environmentally benign energy.  There is no greater contribution to world security and prosperity.  To this end, I pledge my personal commitment, and that of the United States.

Thank you.


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