Office of the Governor, Bobby Jindal, State of Louisiana
Doing More with Less As we enter the 2009 Legislative Session we face budget challenges that are real - but like any challenge, it is also an opportunity. Our proposed FY 10 budget includes serious reforms that make government do more with less, while mitigating the impact on Health Care and Higher Education - which are often the most vulnerable areas of the budget. We have the opportunity now to make real, generational reforms in our state government and let there be no doubt: the only way we can face our budget challenges is head on and I look forward to working with the legislature on these plans in the days and weeks ahead.
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Louisiana Health First

Swine Flu Information

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Governor Jindal Signs Mega Fund Bill into Law Today, Governor Bobby Jindal signed into law his first bill of the 2009 Regular Session - SB 283 by Senator Mike Walsworth - which makes eligibility changes to the Louisiana Mega Fund that will enable the state to preserve and create jobs. Governor Jindal emphasized that the changes to the Mega Fund are a critical part of ensuring thousands of jobs and more than $100 million of state and local tax revenue over the next decade will not be lost due to the closure of the Farmerville facility currently owned by Pilgrim's Pride.

DHH Release: State Officials Announce CDC Has Confirmed 11 More Cases of the H1N1 Virus Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals officials announced today that 11 more of the states probable cases of H1N1 influenza (swine flu) have been confirmed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
DHH Release: Federal, State Officials Change Guidance on H1N1 Evaluation, Testing and Treatment In accordance with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has changed its guidance for health care providers and the public on who should see a doctor, get tested and receive treatment for H1N1 influenza (swine flu).
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