Los Alamos National Laboratory
LANL  Environment  Clean-up


  • Environmental Communication & Public Involvement
    P.O. Box 1663
    MS J591
    Los Alamos, NM 87545
    Phone: 505-667-0216
    FAX: 505-665-1812


About Clean-up & Remediation at LANL

LANL was founded in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project, which was to develop the first atomic weapon. During this time, the disposal of hazardous chemical and radioactive wastes was not regulated and, therefore, some of these materials were disposed of improperly.

LANL's environmental risk reduction programs seek to remedy environmental problems caused by 50 years of LANL operations by bringing together multi-disciplinary, world-class science, engineering, and state-of-the-art management practices. The goals are to protect human health and the environment from exposure to hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastes from past treatment, storage, and disposal practices and meet the environmental clean-up requirements of LANL's permit to operate hazardous waste facilities.

Data & Documents

Public Notices


Public Involvement

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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