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MLSCN Centers

The MLSCN Pilot Phase ended in June 2008.

Assays may now be submitted to the Molecular Libraries Probe Production Network.

Please see: Access MLPCN Screening, in the MLPCN section of the website, for more information on submitting an assay to the MLPCN.

Since the MLPCN Screening Centers will vary from those in the pilot phase, please be sure to look at the MLPCN Centers page for more information for more information on center capabilities.

The Molecular Libraries Screening Centers Network (MLSCN) consists of 10 centers with a diverse set of screening platform technologies that include ultraHTS, cell based imaging, and flow cytometry. The network is capable of implementing many assay formats including cell-based, biochemical, protein-protein interactions and some model organisms. At this time, whole organism assay capability is being developed within the network and is currently available to a limited extent and only at very low throughput. The network can implement biological assays using a variety of detection systems that include: luminescence, fluorescence, FLIPR, FRET, SPA, absorbance, ELISA, microscopy-based imaging, and small molecule microarray.

MLSCN Centers

PI Name Institution Name Title
Austin, Chris NHGRI NIH Chemical Genomics Center (NCGC)
Center Website
Center Summary Page
Diamond, Scott University Of Pennsylvania The Penn Center for Molecular Discovery
Center Website
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Dingledine, Raymond Emory University Emory Chemistry-Biology Center in the MLSCN
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Lazo, John University Of Pittsburgh At Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Molecular Libraries Screening Center
Center Website
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Piazza, Gary Southern Research Institute Southern Research Molecular Libraries Screening Center
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Reed, John The Burnham Institute San Diego Center for Chemical Genomics
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Rosen, Hugh The Scripps Research Institute Scripps Research Institute Molecular Screening Center
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Rothman, James Columbia University Medical Center MLSCN Center at Columbia University
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Sklar, Larry University Of New Mexico Albuquerque New Mexico Molecular Libraries Screening Center
Center Website
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page
Weaver, C. David Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt Screening Center for GPCRs, Ion Channels, and Transporters
Center Website
Abstract (from CRISP)
Center Summary Page

MLSCN Capabilities

A brief summary of each of the Center’s capabilities can be found below.