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"It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air"

Informed citizens, elected officials and other community leaders are more likely to support transportation solutions, such as I&M programs, HOV lanes, value-pricing, mass transit, reduced speed limits, bike lanes, sidewalks, parking restrictions, and even more stringent vehicle-emission standards.

At the request of State and local transportation and air agencies who are challenged with implementing these solutions, the FHWA, U.S. EPA and Federal Transit Administration developed "It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air," an initiative to help raise public awareness about the connections between transportation choices, traffic congestion and air pollution.

The FHWA is pleased to be a leader in this effort to help communities educate the public about transportation and cleaner air. On the "It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air" web page, you'll find research-based communications tools, resources, and commercial-quality marketing materials - all for free! It even includes seasonal-theme materials, such as Flash animations with instructions on how to add them to an email or to your web site.

The "It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air" Exchange is a web-based forum to get advice and share products and ideas for effective public education and outreach on transportation and air quality issues.

To provide Feedback, Suggestions or Comments for this page contact Kathy Daniel at

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