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February 2, 2000

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MISSION: STS-99 -- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

VEHICLE Endeavour/OV-105
TARGET KSC LAUNCH DATE/TIME NET Feb. 11, 2000 at 12:28 p.m. EST
TARGET KSC LANDING DATE/TIME Feb. 22, 2000 at 4:36 p.m. EST
LAUNCH WINDOW 2 hours and 12 minutes
MISSION DURATION 11 days, 4 hours and 8 minutes
CREW Kregel, Gorie, Kavandi, Voss, Mohri, Thiele
ORBITAL ALTITUDE and INCLINATION 126 nautical miles/57 degrees
Work in progress
Extended scrub turnaround activities continue at the pad as technicians prepare to remove and replace the faulty master events controller from Endeavour's aft engine compartment. Access to the controller will occur tomorrow with the new controller scheduled to be installed Thursday evening. Following installation, ordnance will be reconnected Friday and aft closeouts will begin this weekend.

The crew for mission STS-99 departed KSC today for their homes in Houston. They will return to KSC four days prior to the next launch attempt. Launch is currently targeted for no earlier than Feb. 11, pending availability of the Eastern Range.


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A Service of the NASA/KSC External Relations and Business Development Directorate
JoAnn H. Morgan, Director