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USAID/Afghanistan: From the American People


Objective: Increasing access of women and children to quality basic health services


In order to create conditions for stability in Afghanistan, USAID health programs are designed to improve the health status of the general population. The programs aim to train essential health care professionals, educate Afghans about better health habits, enhance provider performance, and develop and implement quality assurance systems. Basic health care for rural communities is a priority for USAID/Afghanistan, with a primary focus on women and children’s health.

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Press Releases

Kabul, Afghanistan  | Tuesday, March 24, 2009
World TB Day: Towards Healthier Populations

Kabul, Afghanistan  | Thursday, October 16, 2008
روز جهانی غذا: بسوی جامعه صحتمند

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN  | Wednesday, July 16, 2008
جلالتمابان وزیر صحت عامه داکتر سید امین فاطمی و وزیر مالیه آقای انوارالحق احدی و سفیر ایالات متحده امریکا آقای وود موافقتنامه مساعدت مستقیم به ارزش 218 میلیون دالر را به امضاء رسانیدند
امروز وزیر صحت عامه داکتر سید امین فاطمی، وزیر مالیه آقای انوارالحق احدی، سفیر ایالات متحده امریکا آقای ویلیم وود و رئیس اداره انکشافی بین المللی ایالات متحده امریکا (USAID) داکترمایکل ییتس موافقتنامهء را به امضاء رسانیدند که مبنی بر آن مبلغ 218 میلیون دالر طور مستقیم به وزارت صحت عامه دولت جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان مساعدت صورت خواهد گرفت.

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Through USAID programs, more than 8.5 million people in 13 provinces have gained better access annually to quality health care.

FY02-FY06 Spending: $309 M
FY07 Budget: $72 M
(incl. supplemental request)


Access to Basic Public Health Care

  • Over 8.5 million people have improved access to basic health services in 13 USAID-supported provinces
  • Over 30,000 people received health care services daily through clinics and direct outreach workers
  • Over 7 million vaccinated against polio (over 95% coverage)
  • 26% drop in child mortality since 2002
  • Over 360 health facilities have been strengthened through renovating facilities, training health care providers and upgrading skills (such as laboratory and recording keeping) 

Health Practices & Capacity

  • Over 17,000 health workers trained, including pre-service training for midwives and community health workers and in-service training for doctors, midwives, nurses, lab technicians, etc.

Private Sector Products Sold

  • Over 16 million health products sold through private sector

Clinic Construction

  • Over 670 clinics constructed or rehabilitated

Last updated August 24, 2009

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USAID | Afghanistan
Great Masood Road | Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel 202.216.6288