Federal Aviation Administration

Regions and Aeronautical Center Operations

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  • |  Updated: 12:55 pm ET March 20, 2008

The Assistant Administrator for Regions and Center Operations (ARC) reports directly to the FAA Administrator and leads a nation-wide organization through a headquarters office in Washington, D.C., nine regional offices strategically located across the country, and the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City.

Map of the Regions and Centers Links to Alaskan Region Links to Great Lakes Region Links to Southwest Region Links to New England Region Links to Eastern Region Links to Central Region Links to Southern Region Links to Headquarters Links to Northwest Mountain Region Links to Western-Pacific Region Links to Aeronautical Center

We provide government, Department of Transportation, and FAA-wide services in

  • financial systems and operations
  • emergency readiness (command, control, and communications)
  • information services
  • business application development
  • technical, executive/managerial, and international training
  • logistics services (acquisition, real estate, materiel management)
  • National Airspace System Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) and Supply Chain Management
  • public and governmental outreach

ARC also provides leadership within the FAA on issues and programs involving multiple FAA organizations and aviation disciplines, such as runway development related to FAA's Operational Evolution Plan (OEP) and establishment of procedures/standards related to the Airports Obstructions Standards Committee (AOSC).

These services are part of the vital support infrastructure needed to maintain strong, safe, and efficient national and international aviation systems and are directly involved in accomplishment of the FAA Flight Plan goals:

  • Increased Safety
  • Greater Capacity
  • International Leadership
  • Organizational Excellence