Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights

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  • |  Updated: 11:59 am ET March 17, 2009

The Office of Civil Rights advises, represents, and assists the FAA Administrator on civil rights and equal opportunity matters that ensure:

Fanny Rivera,Assistant Administrator for Civil Rights & FAA Diversity Advocate

Fanny Rivera,Assistant Administrator for Civil Rights & FAA Diversity Advocate

  • The elimination of unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation, and individuals with disabilities in federally operated and federally assisted transportation programs;
  • That all beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of these programs, including employees and potential employees, are offered equal opportunities to participate in them; and
  • A positive working environment in the Federal Aviation Administration by valuing, using, and managing the differences that individuals bring to the workplace.