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"Do we currently utilize interferometry as a way for detecting planets in other solar systems?"
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  1. Question

    Is there anything (just in our solar system) that remains to be discovered or that you do not understand?

    Of course there remains a great deal that we do not understand or have not yet discovered. There is much that we do not know about our own planet Earth, and for the thousands of other objects (planets, moons, asteroids, comets etc.) we obviously know a great deal less. Three examples: (1) We don't know the "tipping point" at which increases in the Earth's atmosphere of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide will cause a rapid and catastrophic climate change in which the Greenland and Antarctic icecaps melt and the circulation of major ocean currents shift. (2) We do not know if Mars or Europa (or any other object) ever had life or if some life persists there to the present. (3) We have not yet discovered the next large asteroid that will collide with the Earth.

    David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    January 26, 2009