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Pilot Program

Molecular Libraries Screening Centers Network

The MLSCN Pilot Phase ended in June 2008.

Assays may now be submitted to the Molecular Libraries Probe Production Network (production phase).

Please see: Access MLPCN Screening, in the MLPCN section of the website, for more information on submitting an assay to the MLPCN.

Since the MLPCN Screening Centers will vary from those in the pilot phase, please be sure to look at the MLPCN Centers page for more information for more information on center capabilities.

Useful information during the transition fromĀ  MLSCN to Molecular Libraries Probe Production Centers Network

The Molecular Libraries Screening Centers Network (MLSCN) is a national high-throughput biological screening resource that was launched on June 15, 2005. The goals of the MLSCN are to expand the availability and use of chemical probes to explore the function of genes, cells, and pathways in health and disease, and to provide annotated information on the biological activities of compounds contained in the central Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository in a public database (PubChem).


Molecular Libraries Screening Centers Network
2006 Annual MLSCN Steering Committee Meeting
July 17-19, Bethesda, MD