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Image of jackrabbit

Bailey Thinning Study - Ancillary Files

Bailey Thinning Study - Core Data on Trees

Bailey Thinning Study - Herb and Shrub Data

BLM Late-Successional and Old-growth Conifer Data Sites 11/3/2005

Distribution of Sagebrush and Associated Vegetation in the Southwest and Columbia Plateau 10/3/2005

Georeferenced Bibliography of Coastal Cutthroat Publications 12/15/2005

Great Basin Information Project (GBIP)

Headwater Stream Barriers in Western Oregon

Midwinter Bald Eagle Count 1986-2005

Pacific Northwest Information Node (NBII)

Raptor Information System


Willamette Valley RADARSAT Imagery Winter Shorebird Habitat Classification 11/3/2005

Contact Information for FRESC Products:
FRESC Librarian, Susan Toussaint, susan_toussaint@usgs.gov

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