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TFHRC Home > Safety > Safety Publications > FHWA-HRT-07-059 > 7. Limitations


The minimum retroreflectivity levels presented in this study are the product of computer models and simplifying assumptions based on numerous other research efforts. Therefore, these recommendations are subject to the following limitations:

The retroreflectivity values recommended by this research should be considered minimum maintenance levels, and markings should be replaced or scheduled for replacement before falling below these recommended levels. The retroreflectivity values recommended by this research are not intended to account for worst-case conditions or all possible combinations of roadway geometry, speed, and pavement marking configurations. In summary, engineering judgment should be used to evaluate whether or not conditions warrant the use of pavement markings with higher maintained retroreflectivity.

It should also be noted that winter maintenance activities can severely damage the retroreflective performance of pavement markings. In addition, nonconcentric driving behavior around horizontal curves can also wear markings faster along the length of the curves than on adjacent tangent sections. The recommended minimum retroreflectivity levels presented in this report should be considered as applicable to sections of the marking representative of the marking over the length of the roadway and not to specific points along the roadway.

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