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Worldwide Trade Events List

Export Promotion Services

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Covered in this page:

  • Trade Shows and Trade Fairs
  • Export Services at Trade Shows
  • Trade Missions
  • Region & Industry-Specific Events
  • Export Finance Seminars Export Licensing Seminars
  • Private Trade Show Calendars
  • Export Promotion Services Trade Events

DOMESTIC TRADE SHOWS – International Buyer Program
International Buyer Program (IBP) benefits U.S. companies that exhibit at domestic trade shows in that the companies are able to display their products and/or services to foreign buyers without having to travel abroad. The Commercial Service establishes an International Business Center at domestic shows were foreign buyers are welcomed and representatives of U.S. companies are given export counseling.

TRADE FAIRS – Trade Fair Certification Program
Trade Fair Certification (TFC) is a cooperative arrangement between private sector show organizers and the U.S. government to increase U.S. exports and expand U.S. participation in trade shows abroad. This program provides endorsement by the Department of Commerce, show-related services to organizers, confirmation of market viability, matchmaking services and coordination of events to recruit and promote a U.S. Pavilion at selected foreign trade shows. These shows have between 10 and over 3,000 U.S. exhibitors and host thousands of potential buyers and visitors.

TRADE MISSIONS – Commercial Service Trade Missions Program
Trade Missions introduce U.S. small and medium-sized companies to business partners in target markets abroad. Each mission usually visits two to four countries that have strong potential for U.S. goods and services. Approximately 5 to 10 people travel as a delegation with each of them representing a U.S. company.

International Catalog Exhibition Program (ICEP) works in partnership with state economic development agencies to help U.S. companies gain international market exposure for their products and/or services, and to identify potential customers and trading partners. The program allows U.S. companies to promote their products and/or services without leaving their offices. EPS and partnering states send staff to a wide range of international markets to display product literature and collect trade leads for U.S. companies.