Resource Evaluation Program: Previous Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Assessments
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Photo of wind turbines in deep waterPhoto of a fishPhoto of a wetlandPhoto of a platform with three boatsPhoto of a killer whalePhoto of a welder working on an offshore platformPhoto of a platform in water and behind a snowy mountainPhoto of three oil refinery faucetsPhoto of a wind energy farm
   Resource Evaluation
Previous Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Assessments

The following links can be used mainly for comparison purposes. The 2006 National Assessment has superseded prior Assessments. The data in the corresponding reports as well as the maps associated with those prior assessments have been subsequently updated.

2003 Assessment Publications (superseded by 2006 Assessment)


Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources of the Nation's Outer Continental Shelf, 2003 Update

Using a play-based assessment methodology, the MMS estimated a mean of 76.0 billion barrels of undiscovered recoverable oil and a mean of 406.1 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered recoverable natural gas in the Federal Outer Continental Shelf of the United States.


Mean Estimates of OCS Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Resources in 2003


Comparison of GOM Estimates of Undiscovered Conventionally Recoverable Resources - 2000 National Assessment and Interim Update

2000 Assessment Publications  (superseded by 2006 Assessment)


Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum Assessment, 2000 (279.72 KB PDF)


2000 Assessment-Gulf of Mexico (128 MB Zip file)


1999 Oil and Gas ATLAS-Gulf of Mexico (168 MB Zip file)

Last Updated: 04/10/2009, 12:12 PM Central Time