
The Heart Truth Campaign Partners
The Heart Truth Campaign Partners

Heart Truth Partners

The Heart Truth recognizes the important role that partnerships with organizations and corporations play in disseminating information and messages about heart health to American women. Since its launch in 2002, the campaign has joined with other groups committed to women’s health, including community and corporate partners, to create a national movement aimed at delivering an urgent wakeup call to women about heart disease.

The Office on Women’s Health (OWH) is a partner of The Heart Truth and the Federal government’s champion for women’s health issues.  The OWH offers many educational programs and resources related to women’s heart health and provides Heart Truth campaign materials to health professionals. Learn More about the OWH or read about the OWH’s Primary Care Partnerships to prevent heart disease in women.

If your organization or company is interested in becoming a partner please visit Becoming a Partner or contact

Community Partners

How do you get connected with others working on women's heart health in your area? Start by reaching out to some of the national organizations that have partnered with The Heart Truth. These groups provide information and resources aimed at raising awareness and prompting action about women and heart disease in communities across the country. Learn More >

You also can access information for African American women and Latinas by visiting one of our women of color partner organizations.

Corporate Partners

Corporations that support increasing awareness about women and taking action against heart disease continue to rally behind The Heart Truth. These important partnerships enable the campaign to reach a much greater number of women with life-saving campaign messages. Learn More >

Looking for more ways to become involved?

Visit one of The Heart Truth's online toolkits and download free materials to share with others.

  • Online Toolkit
    The Heart Truth Online Toolkit contains activity ideas, information, and materials to help you bring women and heart disease to center stage in your community through The Heart Truth campaign and its Red Dress Project.
    Online Toolkit >

  • Activity Registry
    Many organizations are working to spread The Heart Truth. The activity registry is designed to allow you to share your successful activities and events. Browse through this registry for ideas, and be sure to share what you've done with others. Activity Registry >

  • Use The Heart Truth Logo
    The Heart Truth logo may be added to your collateral materials to indicate your partnership with the national Heart Truth campaign. See Terms of Use for required trademark statement. For more information, please review The Heart Truth logo usage guidelines and go to the Image Library to download the logo.