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The mission of NDIC is to provide strategic drug-related intelligence, document and computer exploitation support, and training assistance

to the drug control, public health, law enforcement, and intelligence communities of the United States

in order to reduce the adverse effects of drug trafficking, drug abuse, and other drug-related criminal activity.

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National Threat Assessments

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NDIC's annual National Drug Threat Assessment gives policymakers and counterdrug executives a timely, predictive report on the threat of drugs, gangs, and violence. We synthesize the views of local, state, regional, and federal agencies to produce a comprehensive picture of this threat.

If you cannot find a previously listed report, please review our Archived Publications list.

PDF files are provided to produce high quality copies of our products. These may be viewed with a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.


National Drug Threat Assessment 2009
December 2008
Product No. 2008-Q0317-005  html   pdf  (18.8 MB pdf)
This assessment provides a strategic overview and predictive outlook of drug trafficking and abuse trends within the United States. The assessment identifies the primary drug threats to the nation, tracks drug availability throughout the country, and analyzes trafficking and distribution patterns of illicit drugs within the United States. It evaluates the threat posed by illegal drugs by examining availability, production and cultivation, transportation, distribution, and demand.
Previous years

National Gang Threat Assessment 2009
January 2009
Product No. 2009-M0335-001  html   pdf  (9,467 KB)
This intelligence assessment discusses the proliferation of gangs from urban areas to suburban and rural locations, estimates of the number of gangs and gang members in the United States, gang types, gang-related criminal activities, locations where specific gangs operate, and the relationships between gangs and other criminal organizations. It is a collaborative effort between the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) and the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) to examine the threat posed to the United States by criminal gangs. The assessment is based on federal, state, and local law enforcement information and is supplemented by information retrieved from open sources. Information and data used for this report were collected through September 2008.

National Methamphetamine Threat Assessment 2009
December 2008
Product No. 2008-Q0317-006  html   pdf  (21 MB)
This Threat Assessment is a national-level strategic assessment of methamphetamine trafficking in the United States. It addresses significant trends in methamphetamine production, transportation, distribution, and abuse. It discusses a wide range of issues, including methamphetamine production in the United States and Mexico and the impact of foreign and domestic methamphetamine production trends on availability of the drug in the U.S. Drug markets. This assessment draws upon the National Drug Threat Assessment 2009, regional drug intelligence products prepared by the National Drug Intelligence Center, and reporting from numerous federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
Previous years

National Prescription Drug Threat Assessment 2009
April 2009
Product No. 2009-L0487-001  html   pdf  (15,527 KB)
This  assessment focuses primarily on domestic diversion of controlled prescription drugs (CPDs). It examines current nonmedical use of prescription-type psychotherapeutic drugs (opioid pain relievers, tranquilizers, sedatives, or stimulants) and discusses their distribution, the societal impact of CPD diversion and abuse, and Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) that have been established legislatively in many states to stem CPD diversion and abuse. This assessment also examines regional deviations from national trends.



Cities in Which Mexican DTOs Operate Within the United States--Situation Report:
April 11, 2008
Product No. 2008-S0787-005  html   pdf  (1,548 KB) 
The Situation Report illustrates the principle cities/states in which Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) operate within the United States. This document was prepared using law enforcement reporting available to NDIC as of April 9, 2008; it updates information regarding Mexican DTOs set forth in the National Drug Threat Assessment 2007.

Indian Country Drug Threat Assessment 2008
June 2008
Product No. 2008-R0958-002  html   pdf  (16,904 KB)
This report is a comprehensive, strategic assessment of the threat posed to Native American communities by drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), criminal groups, and gangs and the illicit drugs they distribute on reservations throughout the United States. This report examines the operations, capabilities, and vulnerabilities of drug traffickers who exploit Indian Country and the difficulties faced by federal, state, and tribal law enforcement officials in combating drug trafficking in Native American communities. It also identifies drug abuse patterns and trends most common to Indian Country, highlighting the illicit drugs posing the greatest threat to Native Americans in the United States. This assessment provides a national-level perspective of the drug-related problems facing reservations throughout the country. It also provides a more particularized regional perspective of the drug-related issues that law enforcement, public health, and tribal officials confront in Native American communities.

Money Laundering in Digital Currencies
June 3, 2008
Product No. 2008-R0709-003  html   pdf  (485 KB)
This assessment describes digital currencies and the digital currency system and how they are used to launder and move funds. 

Copies of our reports are available to law enforcement and other government agencies by calling our Dissemination Line at (814)-532-4541.

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