What Happens to a Donated Tumor?
CR Magazine, an award-winning publication of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), recently published an article that addresses the future and promise of tissue biobanks. The OBBR's Dr. Carolyn Compton and Dr. Nicole Lockhart are quoted and included are discussions of the Biospecimen Research Network and the ethical, legal, and policy challenges faced by biobanks. The article can be viewed here.
10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now: What's Next 2009
The National Cancer Institute is leading an effort to build the U.S.'s first national biobanking resource. A Time Magazine Special recently discussed this effort, naming it one of the "10 ideas changing the world right now." Read the entire article here.
Advancing Cancer Research Through Biospecimen Science
Human biospecimens are the foundation of the translational research that will transform patient care. The 2009 BRN Symposium: Advancing Cancer Research Through Biospecimen Science focused on the significant impact of pre-analytical biospecimen variables on cancer research and molecular medicine. Please visit the BRN Symposium for additional information.