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Episodes for June

How do you know when an animal is becoming endangered or extinct? What is the determining factor?
Tagged: June  2008  animals  biology  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/30/2008

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What is a "500 year flood", and how do scientists determine if a flood is considered a "500 year flood"?
Tagged: 2008  June  floods  water  hazards  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/27/2008

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How did zebra mussels get into the Great Lakes, and why is that a problem?
Tagged: water  GreatLakes  InvasiveSpecies  biology  ZebraMussels  2008  June  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/26/2008

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What was the biggest dinosaur? What was the smallest?
Tagged: dinosaurs  June  2008  paleontology  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/25/2008

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What is the difference between "magma" and "lava"?
Tagged: 2008  June  volcanoes  magma  lava  hazards  geology  minerals  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/24/2008

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If the ground filters water, is ground water always clean?
Tagged: water  2008  June  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/23/2008

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What is a landslide hazard map?
Tagged: 2008  June  hazards  landslides  maps  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/20/2008

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Are sturgeon really the largest freshwater fish?
Tagged: 2008  June  biology  fish  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/19/2008

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Does a little leak in my house's water line really waste water?
Tagged: 2008  June  water  home  plumbing  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/18/2008

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What are zebra mussels and why should we care about them?
Tagged: 2008  June  biology  InvasiveSpecies  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/17/2008

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How can I obtain educational materials pertaining to USGS activities?
Tagged: 2008  June  education  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/16/2008

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Is it dangerous to work on volcanoes and what precautions do scientists take?
Tagged: scientist  June  2008  volcanoes  safety  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/13/2008

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Does the USGS have streamflow records that are appropriate for use in the study of climate variation?
Tagged: 2008  June  environment  ClimateChange  water  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/12/2008

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How many types of dinosaurs are known?
Tagged: 2008  June  dinosaurs  paleontology  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/11/2008

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What elements are harmful to living organisms and how do they get into our environment?
Tagged: minerals  June  2008  biology  toxics  environment  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/10/2008

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What kind of school training do you need to become a volcanologist?
Tagged: volcanoes  people  scientist  jobs  2008  June  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/9/2008

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How do I decide whether or not to get earthquake insurance?
Tagged: earthquakes  hazards  June  insurance  2008  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/6/2008

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How are floods predicted?
Tagged: floods  water  June  2008  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/5/2008

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Why do animals become endangered?
Tagged: animals  June  2008  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/4/2008

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What is an Asian swamp eel and what does it look like?
Tagged: fish  biology  June  2008  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/3/2008

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Where can I find the temperature or precipitation for my city in the U.S.?
Tagged: water  June  2008  (Back to Main Page)
Published: 6/2/2008

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Page Last Modified: Monday, March 09, 2009