High Technology Development Corporation is a state agency established by the Hawaii State Legislature in 1983 to facilitate the development and growth of Hawaii's commercial high technology industry. The State views high technology as an important driver in the diversification of Hawaii's economy and one that provides quality, high-paying jobs for Hawaii residents.

Hawaii State Seal HTDC is an agency of the State of Hawaii

NBIA Member of the National Business Incubation Association

Our Mission

The High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) offers a wide variety of business development programs and services to support Hawaii's growing technology industry.

HTDC offers its programs and services statewide, providing assistance and resources to Hawaii's tech industry entrepreneurs, start-up companies, employers, jobseekers and more.

SBIR Conference

MEP Workshop Series

Come Learn How to Increase Your International Sales

Join us for a series of five comprehensive training sessions on learning how to export

  • Learn how to develop an Export Plan
  • Learn how to do Market Research thru
  • E-Commerce
  • Art of Negotiations in International trade
  • Learn about Export Regulations, Transportation and Documentation
  • Legal Aspects of Exporting
  • And much more...

Workshop Series starts May 16th, 2009 from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon at Hawaii Foreign Trade Zone#9 Harbor View CR

For more information email mep@htdc.org or call (808) 539-3652.
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