XMM-Newton Announcement of Opportunity: Policies and Procedures

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5.4 Fixed-Time Observations

A ``Fixed-Time'' observation (``Time Critical'' in RPS) is defined as an observation whose scheduling is not solely determined by its visibility and spacecraft position angle constraints. Examples of ``Fixed-Time'' observations are:

``Fixed-Time'' observations reduce the flexibility available to the mission planning system for scheduling of observations and can lead to larger than nominal slew overheads. Thus, all proposers are reminded that ``Fixed-Time'' observations should only be asked when there is a strong scientific requirement. This justification must be provided explicitly in the proposal justification. For operational reasons, the start time of ``Fixed Time'' observations should not be constrained below a margin of $\pm$15 ks. In addition, the scheduling constraints should be described in detail in the ``constraints'' sub-menu after entering an observation as ``Time critical''.

It is the responsibility of the PI to demonstrate that proposed ``Fixed-Time'' observations are visible, see section 5.7.

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre