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Briefing Rooms

Brazil: Related Links


U.S. Department of Agriculture

World Agricultural Outlook Board. Supply and demand estimates, weather and climate.

Foreign Agricultural Service. Country and commodity information.

Other U.S. Government

Commerce Department.

International Trade Administration. Reports and publications.

Census Bureau. Trade data.

International Trade Commission. Reports and publications.

United States Trade Representative.

Central Intelligence Agency, World Factbook. International organizations.

International Organizations

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

FAOSTAT. Data on production, trade, food balance sheets, fertilizer and pesticides, land use and irrigation, forest and fishery products, population, agricultural machinery, and food aid shipments.

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Statistical yearbook, economic survey.

World Bank. Country and regional reports and data.

International Monetary Fund. Financial, macroeconomic reports.

World Trade Organization. Trade topics, including dispute settlements.

Organization of American States.

Foreign Trade Information System. Trade agreements, FTAA process, dispute settlement.

Inter-American Development Bank. Research and statistics by country.

Brazilian Government

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (Institute for Geography and Statistics). Brazil in brief; statistical links; publications.

Ministerio da Agricultura e do Abastecimiento (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply). Statistics, regulations, plans.


For more information, contact: Constanza Valdes

Web administration:

Updated date: December 19, 2002