Your organization if invited to sign-up to be a Supporter of the
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. We ask that
Supporter organizations help get the word our about the amount
of physical activity Americans need for their health.
Supporters are eligible to receive a toolkit and join in the Supporter Network:
Toolkit: The toolkit offers your resources that will
complement and support what your organization is doing to encourage
Americans to get the amount of physical activity they need based on
the Guidelines and their goals.
Be Active Your Way Supporter Network:
The Be Active Your Way Supporter Network is a forum for Supporters
to share ideas and best practices for encouraging Americans to be
physically active based on the Guidelines. HHS sponsors quarterly
events and offers e-marketing tools for promotion physical activity
to members of the Supporter Netowrk.
When you complete the sign-up form below, you will receive a toolkit and access
to the Supporter Network.
Organizations that sign up as a Supporter will be added to the online List of Physical Activity Guidelines Supporters.