Congressman Jim Langevin
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Stay Informed About Swine Flureturn to home page

The increased incidence of Swine Flu in the United States, Mexico and other countries in Europe and Asia underscores the importance of proper public health preparedness across all levels of government, within both the public and private sectors, and in the international community as a whole.

As former Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, I held multiple hearings and briefings on public health preparedness, specifically as it relates to pandemic influenza. Just last July, I convened a Congressional hearing in Rhode Island with local, state and federal officials to discuss the progress and continuing challenges regarding this very issue. This hearing was followed by a report I co-authored, entitled "Getting Beyond Getting Ready for Pandemic Influenza,” that provided key recommendations for what Congress, the incoming Administration, and the public and private sectors can do to achieve national readiness to combat this threat.

While we continue to monitor and address the progression of Swine Flu at the local, state, federal and international levels, I want to ensure that Rhode Islanders have access to the most up-to-date information possible. Here is a list of websites to provide the latest facts and updates on Swine Flu:

Rhode Island Department of Health:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

World Health Organization: