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Cover image of Hurricane Ike Mitigation Assessment Team reportIn response to Hurricane Ike, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) deployed a Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) to evaluate and assess damage from the hurricane and provide observations, conclusions, and recommendations on the performance of buildings and other structures impacted by wind and flood forces. The MAT included FEMA Headquarters and Regional Office engineers, representatives from other Federal agencies and academia, and experts from the design and construction industry. The conclusions and recommendations of this Report are intended to provide decision-makers with information and technical guidance that can be used to reduce future hurricane damage. Click here for the full report or click here for the presentation.

What is Mitigation?

Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. This is achieved through risk analysis, which results in information that provides a foundation for mitigation activities that reduce risk, and flood insurance that protects financial investment.

FEMA’s Mitigation Directorate manages the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and implements a variety of programs authorized by Congress to reduce losses that may result from natural disasters. Effective Mitigation efforts can break the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage.

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Risk Analysis

Government agencies must understand the full impact of natural hazards using applied multi-hazard engineering science and advanced technology in order to effectively plan to reduce natural hazard effects.

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Risk Reduction

The goal of risk reduction is to reduce the risk to life and property, which includes existing structures and future construction, in the pre and post-disaster environments.  This is achieved  through regulations, local ordinances, land use and building practices, and Mitigation projects that reduce or eliminate long-term risk from hazards and their effects.

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Flood Insurance

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) goal is to reduce the impact of flooding on private and public structures by providing affordable insurance for property owners. The program encourages communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations, which will mitigate the effects of flooding on new and improved structures.

The NFIP is helping communities reduce the socio-economic impact of disasters by promoting the purchase and retention of both Risk Insurance and National Flood Insurance.

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Mitigation's Value to Society

Mitigation is valuable to society in these ways:

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Disaster Response and Recovery Resources

Find useful links on what to do before and after a disaster strikes:

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Mitigation Best Practices Portfolio

FEMA's Best Practices Portfolio is a collection of ideas for activities, projects, and potential funding sources that can help reduce or prevent the impacts of disasters. By sharing your first-hand experience of damaged areas, you help spread the word of how important, effective, and life-saving mitigation can be. Stories that focus on successful mitigation projects and practices implemented after a disaster may encourage communities and individuals to implement new mitigation efforts to prevent future damages.

Use the Online Submission tool or download the Submission Worksheet to help you capture key elements to draft and submit new stories. Our goal is to find examples that highlight a variety of hazards, mitigation actions, funding sources, and Best Practice subjects. We encourage you to enhance your story by including up to two related website links and as many as six supporting files (e.g., photographs, documents, PDFs, maps).

Featured Best Practice:

Federal Grant Helps Massachusetts Weather Storms

Scituate, MA - Since 1972, Scituate-resident Bill Montanari has refused to take a winter vacation for fear of flooding at his home on Jericho Road in Massachusetts. Every time a storm caused the water to rise, he spent the night on the couch anxiously watching the weather reports. 

Jericho Road follows the coastline of Scituate Harbor with several residences and a salt water marsh on the side of the road opposite the harbor-front land. High-storm tides and intense coastal storm surges frequently left yards, driveways, and garages flooded with water. 

During a storm in April 2007, his nervous feeling began to change. He rose from the couch at 1 a.m. to watch the high tide roll in. He anticipated water up to four feet would soon engulf his property. He slept restlessly on the couch for the remainder of the night wondering what damages this storm would bring. Read the full story.

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Last Modified: Friday, 14-Aug-2009 11:57:37 EDT



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