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Feed Item How Will You Respond to the Worsening Homeless Problem? Aug 18, 2009
Feed Prevention Works Feed Recent news stories have brought to light another issue for law enforcement—attacks on the homeless. Estimates are that the homeless population has swelled to more than one million nationally, with almost 50 percent lacking shelter. Moreover, the National Coalition for the Homeless reports a rise in violence against the homeless, with at least 880 unprovoked attacks and 244 fatalities. Most of the attacks were brutal—a man in Cleveland savagely beaten in a group attack, a man in Los Angeles set on fire, a woman pushed down a steep staircase and another raped. The Coalition reports that most of these attacks were committed by males aged 25 or younger and that in the last 10 years 58 percent of attackers were teenagers.



United We Serve Readies for Safety and Security Week, August 24-30

The Corporation for National and Community Service is helping Americans promote and engage in community service activities through its website. The Corporation is seeking to further engage those involved in disaster preparedness and crime prevention and amplify outreach efforts in the cause of volunteerism. Post a volunteer opportunity, or find opportunities to volunteer in your area at

August Catalyst Online

Check out this month’s Catalyst newsletter for the most recent crime prevention news and resources.

NCPC Quoted in ABC News Cyberbullying Report

The National Crime Prevention Council recently highlighted the issues of teen cyberbullying and sexting in a piece published on ABC News online.

NCPC’s Director of Children and Youth, Joselle Shea, described the issue saying that teens easily forget that actions online can leave “an electronic fingerprint that can affect college admissions, employment, and their reputations with family and friends."

"Online relationships should be based on respect, and not just sharing sexual images of each other," Shea said.

NCPC is coming out next month with reproducible brochures that will provide informative tips on sexting for both parents and teens.

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