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Carbon Monoxide

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Carbon Monoxide (CO), a poisonous, odorless and colorless gas, is produced by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass burning.
It is a strong greenhouse gas and contributes to global warming. It is one of the longest-lived, naturally occurring atmospheric carbon compounds. In the atmosphere CO is produced when Methane reacts with atmospheric hydroxyl(OH) in the troposphere. The recent change in tropospheric CO content may portend a change in the balance between oxidants and reductants in the atmosphere.


(1) Atmospheric Chemistry Models (5) Tracer of Air Motions
(2) Air Quality (6) stratosphere-troposphere exchange
(3) Monitoring of Biomass Burning (7) Climate Change
(4) Health and Environment

GES DISC Datasets

Quick Search for 'Carbon Monoxide' with Mirador
Click on the corresponding 'WHOM access' links in the table below to access products containing specific parameter.

Parameter Units Platform /Instrument Data
Begin Date End Date WHOM Access Doc
Profile of Carbon monoxide (CO), mixing ratios at different pressure levels (ground pixel resolution) mixing ratio Aura/MLS 2004-08-08 Current ML2CO.002 Y
Aqua/AIRS 2002-08-30 Current AIRH2SUP.005 Y
AIRL2.005 Y
Carbon Monoxide Column Density (globally gridded, daily/weekly/monthly averages) molecules/cm2 Aqua/AIRS 2002-08-30 Current AIRL3.005 Y
Carbon Monoxide Profile (global gridded, at equal intervals of latitude/or equal intervals of time) mixing ratio UARS/ISAMS 1991-09-26 1992-07-29 UARIS3AT Y
Aqua/AIRS 2002-08-30 Current AIRL3.005 Y

Other sources for data

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  • Last updated: May 12, 2009 17:42:18 GMT