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Envelope Contact Global Health


Malawi has one of the highest national HIV prevalence rates in the world. UNAIDS estimated that the national adult HIV prevalence rate was 14.1 percent in 2005, while the 2004 Demographic and Health Survey reported an 11.8 percent adult prevalence rate. More recently, the 2007 HIV sero-survey of antenatal clinics estimated a national prevalence of 12 percent, for a total of roughly 900,000 Malawians living with HIV.

In Malawi, the U.S. Government collaborates with the Government of Malawi and other takeholders to develop and support critical interventions for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care. Intervention strategies of the Emergency Plan involve:

  • Filling critical gaps in HIV prevention and behavior change interventions.
  • Strengthening government and private health systems to scale up counseling and testing, anti-retroviral therapy, and prevention of mother-to-child AIDS transmission services.
  • Building capacity in critical areas, including laboratory infrastructure and strategic information.
    Strengthening care services provided by the public sector and indigenous organizations.
  • Supporting coordination of HIV/AIDS efforts among the Emergency Plan, the Government of Malawi, and other partner organizations.

View the USAID HIV/AIDS Health Profile for Malawi - September 2008 [PDF, 118KB]. Access the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief 2008 Country Profile for Malawi, PDF Version [PDF, 674KB].

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