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With less than 1 percent of the population estimated to be HIV positive, Madagascar is one of the few low HIV-prevalence countries in sub- Saharan Africa. Recent expansion of Madagascar’s surveillance system has yielded more representative data, lowering the national HIV prevalence rate from 0.5 to 0.2 percent, according to UNAIDS. The 2007 Biologic Sentinel Surveillance found a prevalence rate of 0.83 percent among pregnant women in Sainte-Marie and 0.35 percent in Morondava. However, several factors, including low levels of HIV awareness and risky behaviors, particularly among youth, have put Madagascar in danger of an HIV/AIDS outbreak. UNAIDS estimates that 49,000 people in Madagascar are HIV positive.

USAID is dedicated to assisting Malagasy programs working to maintain – if not reduce – the country’s low HIV prevalence. Current USAID efforts are focused on implementing behavior change interventions targeting vulnerable groups, expanding access to necessary prevention products and services, and helping the government develop data to improve the decisionmaking process.

View the USAID HIV/AIDS Country Profile for Madagascar - September 2008 [PDF, 89KB].

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