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Please join us for the 51st NASBIC Annual Meeting!  For details, click here:

National Association of Small Business Investment Companies


NASBIC the National Association of Small Business Investment Companies is the professional association for the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) community and the lower middle market of the private equity industry and the oldest organization of venture capitalists in the world.  For over half a century NASBIC has played a pivotal role in building and promoting a strong and profitable SBIC industry to better serve the growth-capital needs of America’s small businesses. 
The Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Program is a unique public/private partnership that has provided $55 billion in financing to more than 106,000 small U.S. companies since the program’s creation in 1958.  SBICs are privately organized and managed venture capital firms licensed by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to make equity capital or long-term loans available to small companies. These small companies often require financing in the critical $250,000 to $5 million range that is generally not available through banks or non-SBIC private equity firms.  SBICs fill that gap, supporting thousands of U.S. small businesses each year.
35th Annual Venture Capital Institute
September 21 - 24, 2009
Emory Conference Center • Atlanta, GA • USA
Often referred to as "boot camp" for the private equity industry, the Venture Capital Institute (VCI) is the premier education experience for members of venture and private equity funds.  VCI is an intense, four-day, in-residence program conducted by experienced private equity fund managers and industry professionals who are recognized experts in their fields.  The Institute  offers a solid foundation of private equity basics, through excellent content, an active learning environment, and networking opportunities abound.
For a detailed VCI agenda, click here.  VCI is only conducted once a year, so don't miss out on this valuable experience, register today!






1100 G Street, NW • Suite 750 • Washington, DC 20005
(202) 628-5055