Supplies & Consumables Imports: Customs Value by Customs Value
for ALL Countries

U.S. Imports for Consumption

Annual Data


Country 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Percent Change
2007 - 2008
In 1,000 Dollars
China 393,127 442,389 547,335 716,708 878,200 1,051,415 1,280,959 1,443,730 12.7%
Canada 640,246 615,983 559,313 586,742 637,034 689,437 678,027 663,099 -2.2%
Mexico 176,698 180,739 202,639 249,346 237,051 215,647 268,292 208,823 -22.2%
Taiwan 132,463 133,555 148,691 160,890 144,087 150,843 162,469 158,191 -2.6%
Germany 52,551 50,350 48,609 53,099 50,323 56,402 56,488 62,618 10.9%
Japan 59,502 63,026 72,781 90,066 56,300 61,319 58,357 60,073 2.9%
France 23,251 22,141 32,988 38,306 40,455 49,471 52,861 43,311 -18.1%
Italy 35,531 32,875 40,298 41,725 42,071 40,505 45,850 41,940 -8.5%
Korea 29,252 38,494 44,300 53,929 41,674 42,869 40,973 40,678 -0.7%
Indonesia 12,951 13,582 13,501 21,208 20,260 24,488 32,071 28,965 -9.7%
Hong Kong 23,119 39,839 60,455 73,905 70,994 62,986 38,371 28,412 -26.0%
India 4,582 7,333 9,693 13,749 17,237 19,676 22,685 25,134 10.8%
Malaysia 12,210 13,644 15,013 14,381 15,201 18,974 17,762 24,083 35.6%
Austria 17,909 14,410 15,536 20,078 23,167 32,168 23,409 22,558 -3.6%
United Kingdom 40,078 26,878 25,900 28,009 23,979 19,396 17,877 22,231 24.4%
Vietnam 269 2,354 5,641 7,587 8,456 12,385 17,727 21,484 21.2%
Spain 5,684 6,811 8,560 11,335 13,157 18,392 18,978 20,778 9.5%
Thailand 10,307 10,728 11,414 17,496 20,471 26,970 24,630 18,971 -23.0%
Liechtenstein 14,660 13,626 15,202 14,659 15,854 17,126 14,978 14,512 -3.1%
Bangladesh 628 4,116 5,326 6,059 8,367 10,729 11,308 13,482 19.2%
Portugal 5,260 3,322 2,780 2,842 4,355 3,785 5,828 12,620 116.5%
Israel 10,040 5,600 6,468 7,249 11,513 11,780 12,276 11,784 -4.0%
Philippines 2,353 3,240 4,931 5,227 10,206 12,462 11,420 11,129 -2.5%
Switzerland 4,863 4,841 6,144 9,429 10,742 12,103 9,877 9,678 -2.0%
Cambodia 166 841 2,511 3,555 3,748 6,631 7,122 8,325 16.9%
Subtotal : 1,707,700 1,750,717 1,906,029 2,247,580 2,404,900 2,667,958 2,930,596 3,016,610 2.9%
All Other: 82,102 98,415 108,834 122,825 116,513 108,466 93,940 92,628 -1.4%
Total 1,789,802 1,849,131 2,014,863 2,370,404 2,521,413 2,776,425 3,024,536 3,109,238 2.8%

Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.