portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey
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  • Holt Announces $1.3 Million in Recovery Funding for Neighborhood Improvements in Fair Haven and Hopewell - 8/14/2009 ...more
  • Holt Mourns Loss of Sgt. Bill Cahir - 8/14/2009 ...more
  • Holt Debuts Interactive Web Map of Economic Recovery Funding For Central NJ - 8/12/2009 ...more

Recovery for New Jersey

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Congress passed and President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to save and create jobs, help struggling families, and establish sustainable growth for our economy. Visit a special section and an interactive map to see how New Jersey benefits.

Talking Health Care

On Monday, July 27, Rep. Holt hosted a live, 1-hour telephone town hall meeting with constituents to discuss health care reform. Rep. Holt share his thoughts on current health care reform proposals and took comments and questions from participants about how reform would affect costs, access to coverage, and quality of care. Click here to listen to the full town hall.

Click here to read more about health care reform.

Click here to read the text of the House bill.

Meet With Rep. Holt in Middletown on Wednesday, August 26 at 7 p.m.

On Wednesday, August 26 at 7 p.m. Rep. Rush Holt will host a town hall meeting in Middletown. The meeting will be held at the Middletown Arts Center, which is located at 36 Church Street. The public meeting is an opportunity to talk with Rep. Holt about issues facing New Jersey and the nation, including the economy, jobs, health care reform, hometown security, energy, education, and Social Security.

Visiting the NJ National Guard

In May, Rep. Holt travelled to the Middle East with Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Holt, Chair of the Select Intelligence Oversight Panel and a senior member of the House Committee on Intelligence, and Pelosi visited Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, and the United Kingdom – discussing relations between each nation, security in the Middle East, and joint intelligence capacities. In Iraq, Holt met with members of the New Jersey National Guard and presented them with a “thank you” banner signed by hundreds of New Jersey residents. Click here for more photos and here to read more about the Middle East trip.

Verified Voting

Rep. Holt has reintroduced the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act, legislation that would create a national standard of voting to help ensure that every vote is recorded and counted as intended. The bill would require paper ballot voting systems accompanied by accessible ballot marking devices and require routine random audits of electronic voting tallies. In an editorial urging Congressional passage, the New York Times wrote that “Few issues matter as much as ensuring that election results can be trusted.” Read more.

Video Update from Washington

Rep. Holt (NJ-12) supports – in the House Committee on Education and Labor – the America’s Affordable Health Choice Act, legislation introduced in the House, with the intention of extending coverage to all Americans, improving the quality of care, expanding preventative care, and reducing the health care costs that Americans pay. The reform proposal would build on the existing system, so that if people are happy with the insurance they have, they can keep it.

Latest eGenda: Health Care Reform, Verified Voting, New Student Aid

In 2009, health care spending is projected to reach $8,160 per person, an amount sufficient to provide excellent care for everyone, yet 46 million Americans lack insurance and millions more have coverage that doesn’t meet their needs…. To ensure that every vote is recorded and counted as intended, I have reintroduced the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act.… College graduates and older borrowers now can take advantage of a new program that will make monthly loan payments more manageable. Read more.

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