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photo of Eben Paxton
Paxton, Eben
(Not yet specified.)
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P.O. Box 5614, Flagstaff, AZ 86011
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Eben Paxton's research focuses on avian research, particularly endangered, threatened, and sensitive bird species in the southwestern United States. For the last eight years, intensive research on the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher has included a long-term demographic study at several large populations across Arizona. In addition, genetic and banding studies have been carried out across the southwest on the flycatcher, with work extending across North America south into Central and South America on the flycatcher. Current work includes continuation of the long term demographic study of the flycatcher, using genetic techniques to evaluate range boundaries and wintering grounds of the southwestern subspecies, modeling population dynamics of the flycatcher, and providing conservation genetic support to the station.

Project List

  • (Not yet specified.)

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. Paxton, E.H., M. Sogge, T. Theimer, J. Girard, & P. Keim. 2008. Using Molecular Genetic Markers to Resolve a Subspecies Boundary:the Northern Boundary of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher int the Four- corner States. USGS, Michael Diggles.URL: [Open-File Report]
  2. Paxton, E.H., M. Sogge, T. Theimer, J. Girard, & P. Keim. 2008. Relevant Invasive Species Program Goals and Invasive Species Related Highlights & Key Findings and Accomplishments. [Open-File Report]
  3. Paxton, Eben H., S. L. Durst, M. K. Sogge, & T. J. Koronkiewicz. 2007. Survivorship across the annual cycle of a migratory passerine: Conservation implications for the Willow Flycatcher. USGS. [Abstract]
  4. Paxton, Eben H., S.L. Durst, M.K. Sogge, & T.J. Koronkiewicz. 2007. Survivorship across the annual cycle of a migratory passerine: Conservation implications for the Willow Flycatcher. USGS. [Abstract]
  5. Paxton, E.H., M.K. Sogge, S.L. Durst, T.C. Theimer, and J.R. Hatten. 2007. The Ecology of the Southwestern Flycatcher in Central Arizona- a 10-year Synthesis Report. USGS,Open File Report 2007-1381. [Open-File Report]
  6. Pollock, M. G. & E. H. Paxton. 2006. Floating mists nets: A technique for capturing birds in flooded habitat. Journal of Field Ornithology 77:335-338. [Journal Article]
  7. Cardinal, S. N., E. H. Paxton, & S. L. Durst. 2006. Home range, movement, and habitat use of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Roosevelt Lake, AZ - 2005. USGS. [Technical Report]
  8. Cardinal, S. N. & E. H. Paxton. 2005. Home range, movement, and habitat use of Willow Flycatchers at Roosevelt Lake, AZ - 2004. USGS, Colorado Plateau Research Station. [Technical Report]
  9. Cardinal S.N., E.H. Paxton. 2004. Home range, movement patterns, and habitat use of Willow Flycatchers at Roosevelt Lake - 2003. USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. [Technical Report]
  10. Bakian A., E.H. Paxton. 2004. Home range, movement patterns, and habitat use of Willow Flycatchers at Fish Creek, UT. USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. [Technical Report]
  11. Drost C.A., E.H. Paxton, M.K. Sogge, M.J. Whitfield. 2003. Food habits of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher during the nesting season. Studies in Avian Biology no. 26: 96-103. [Journal Article]
  12. Newell P.J., E.H. Paxton, M.K. Sogge. 2003. Survivorship and movements of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers at Roosevelt Lake, Arizona - 2003 . USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. 43 pp. . [Technical Report]
  13. Paxton E. H., S. N. Cardinal, T. J. Koronkiewicz. 2003. Using radiotelemetry to determine home range size, habitat use, and movement patterns of Willow Flycatchers. Studies in Avian Biology 26:185-189. [Journal Article]
  14. Paxton, E. H., & J. C. Owen. 2002. An aging guide for Willow Flycatcher nestlings. USGS & NAU. [Technical Report]
  15. Paxton E.H., S.N. Cardinal, T.J. Koronkiewicz. 2002. Evaluating the feasability of radio-telemetry research on the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher: a pilot study. USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. 24 pp. [Technical Report]
  16. Koronkiewicz T.J., S.N. Cardinal, M.K. Sogge, E.H. Paxton. 2002. Survivorship and movements of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers at Roosevelt Lake, Arizona - 2002. USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. 43 pp. [Technical Report]
  17. Paxton E. H., M. K. Sogge, T. McCarthey, P. Keim. 2002. Nestling sex ratio in the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher . Condor 104:877-881 . [Journal Article]
  18. Kenwood K.E., E.H. Paxton. 2001. Survivorship and movements of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers at Roosevelt Lake, Arizona - 2001. USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. 46 pp. . [Technical Report]
  19. Sogge M.K., J.C. Owen, E.H. Paxton, S.M. Langridge, T.J. Koronkiewicz. . 2001. A Targeted Mist Net Capture Technique for the Willow Flycatcher. Western Birds 32:167-172. [Journal Article]
  20. Bush J. D., M. P. Miller, E. H. Paxton, M. K. Sogge, P. Keim. 2000. Genetic variation in the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher . Auk 117:586-595 . [Journal Article]
  21. Luff J. A., E. H. Paxton, K. E. Kenwood, M. K. Sogge. 2000. Survivorship and movements of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers in Arizona - 2000 . USGS Colorado Plateau Field Station report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. 46 pp. . [Technical Report]
  22. Sogge, M.K., and E.H. Paxton. 2000. Summary of observed physical deformities in the willow flycatcher: 1996-2000. USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Colorado Plateau Field Station report. 8 pp. [Technical Report]
  23. English H. C., E. H. Paxton, M. K. Sogge. 1999. Survivorship and movement of southwestern willow flycatchers in Arizona - 1999. US Geological Survey report to the US Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix. 47 pp. [Technical Report]