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photo of Jeff Lovich
Lovich, Jeff
Deputy SBSC Director
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USGS, SBSC, 2255 N., MS 9394, Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
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Biographical Sketch:

Jeff Lovich is the Deputy Director, SBSC. Previously he was Chief of the U.S. Geological Survey, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, a research station of the Southwest Biological Science Center. Immediately prior to that, he was the Center Director of the USGS, Western Ecological Research Center in Sacramento, California. Before becoming a manager he spent 15 years conducting research on fish and turtles in rivers of the eastern United States, and another 10 years conducting research in the Mojave Desert of California. Jeff received his B.S. (1982) and M.S. (1984) degrees in Biology from George Mason University in Virginia, and a Ph.D. (1990) in Ecology from the University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology. Following graduate school he was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory where he studied the ecology and life history of reptiles, especially turtles. During his career he served on the editorial boards of the journals Copeia, Herpetological Review, Herpetological Natural History, and Chelonian Conservation and Biology. In addition he is a former member of the board of directors of the California Exotic Pest Plant Council. Jeff has published over 70 scientific papers, most on the ecology and taxonomy of turtles. In addition he has published two books. He is coauthor of the book "Turtles of the United States and Canada" published by the Smithsonian Institution Press in 1994, and co-editor and contributor to the book, "Biological Diversity: Problems and Challenges" published by the Pennsylvania Academy of Science the same year. Jeff most recent research projects focused on desert tortoises and environmental determinants of their reproductive output.

  • Education
    • Post-doctoral Experience - Faculty Research Associate, University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, November, 1990 - March, 1991
    • Ph.D. Ecology, 1990 - University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology
    • M.S. Biology. 1984 - George Mason University
    • B.S. Biology. 1982 - George Mason University
  • Work Experience
    • Center Director, Western Ecological Research Center, USGS
    • Research Manager (southern AZ, CA, NV, UT), Western Ecological Research Center, USGS
    • Station Leader, Canyon Crest Field Station, USGS
    • Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology, University of California, Riverside
    • Charter member of the National Biological Survey (Service)/Biological Resources Division. 1993 - 1996.
    • Lead Wildlife Biologist, Bureau of Land Management, Palm Springs-South Coast Resource Area. 1992 - 1993
    • Wildlife Biologist, Bureau of Land Management, California Desert District. 1991 - 1992
    • Research Coordinator/Museum Curator, University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. 1987 - 1991
    • Museum Assistant, National Museum of Natural History, Division of Amphibians and Reptiles (Smithsonian Institution). 1979 - 1980
  • Expertise
    • Turtle ecology, systematics and biogeography
    • Evolution of sexual dimorphism and biased sex ratios (see "Turtles and Global Climate Change")
    • Ecology of invasive exotic species
    • Recovery potential of degraded desert ecosystems.
  • Professional Affiliations
    • Past Member Board of Directors, Herpetologists' League
    • Editorial Review Board of the journal Chelonian Conservation and Biology
    • Past Member Editorial Board, Copeia (American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists)
    • Member IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group
    • Member American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
    • Member The Herpetologists' League
    • Member Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
  • Interests
    • Raising kids
    • Fishing
    • Hunting
    • Camping
    • Driving and restoring my 1964 GTOs

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. Lovich J.E., C.J. McCoy. In press. Graptemys pulchra, Alabama map turtle. In, P. C. H. Pritchard and A. Rhodin (eds.), Conservation of Freshwater Turtles. IUCN, Species Survival Commission. [Book Chapter]
  2. Lovich J.E., Y. Yasukawa, H. Ota. In press. Chinemys reevesii, Reeves pond turtle (or Chinese three-keeled pond turtle). In, P. C. H. Pritchard and A. Rhodin (eds.), Conservation of Freshwater Turtles. IUCN, Species Survival Commission. [Book Chapter]
  3. McCoy C.J., J.E. Lovich. In press. Graptemys gibbonsi, Pascagoula map turtle. In, P. C. H. Pritchard and A. Rhodin (eds.), Conservation of Freshwater Turtles. IUCN, Species Survival Commission. [Book Chapter]
  4. McCoy C.J., J.E. Lovich. In press. Graptemys ernsti, Escambia map turtle. In, P. C. H. Pritchard and A. Rhodin (eds.), Conservation of Freshwater Turtles. IUCN, Species Survival Commission. [Book Chapter]
  5. Lovich, J.L. and K.R. Beaman. 2007. A history of Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum cinctum) records from California with comments on factors affecting their distribution. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science. 106(2):39-58. [Journal Article]
  6. Lovich, J.E. and T.S. Melis. 2007. The state of the Colorado River ecosystem in Grand Canyon: lessons from 10 years of adaptive ecosystem management. International Journal of River Basin Management. 5(3):1-15. [Journal Article]
  7. Lovich, J.E. 2005. Introduced reptiles and amphibians of the world: unwanted exotic species. Diversity and Distributions 11:591-593. [Book Review]
  8. Lovich J.E. 2003. Diamondback Terrapin Still Vulnerable to Human Activities. Sound Waves. December 2002/January 2003 issue. pp. 7-9. [Newsletter]
  9. Lovich J.E. 2003. North American box turtles: a natural history. Herpetological Review 33(4), 332 333. [Book Review]
  10. Fenn D., P. Garvin, J. Lovich (Executive Producers). 2003. Sonoran Desert: fragile land of extremes. USGS Open File Report 03-305. A 28 minute video (DVD) featuring USGS scientists and their cooperators conducting research on the flora and fauna of the Sonoran Desert. [Video]
  11. Lovich J., K. Meyer. 2002. The Western pond turtle (Clemmys marmorata) in the Mojave River, California, USA: highly adapted survivor or tenuous relict. Journal of Zoology, London 256:537-545. [Journal Article]
  12. Lovich J.E. 2002. Overview and parting shots. In, pp. 331-335, B. Tellman (ed.), Invasive species in the Sonoran Region. University of Arizona Press and the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum, Tucson. 424 pp. [Book Chapter]
  13. Mittermeier C.G., W.R. Konstant, R.E. Lovich, J.E. Lovich. 2002. The Mojave Desert. In, pp.351-356, Wilderness: Earths Last Wild Places. Mittermeier, R, C. G. Mittermeier, P. Robles Gil, G. Fonseca, T. Brooks, J. Pilgrim, and W. R. Konstant (eds.). CEMEX, Mexico. [Book Chapter]
  14. Lovich J.E. 2002. Terrapins and hurricanes. People, Land and Water (U.S. department of the Interior). November, p. 17. [Newsletter]
  15. Gibbons J.W., J.E. Lovich, A.D. Tucker, N.N. FtizSimmons, J.L. Greene. 2001. Demographic and ecological factors affecting conservation and management of the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) in South Carolina. Chelonian Conservation and Boilogy 4(1):66-74. [Journal Article]
  16. Lovich J., K. Meyer. 2001. Pleistocene Park: Ice Age Relict Turtle Survives in California Desert. In People, Land, and Water (DOI Newspaper). September/October Issue. Page 13. [Popular Publication]
  17. Nicolai N.C., J.E. Lovich. 2000. Preliminary Observations of the behavior of male, flat-tailed horned lizards before and after an off-highway vehicle race in California. California Fish and Game 86(3):208-212. [Magazine Article]
  18. Dudley, T.L., C.J. DeLoach, J.E. Lovich, and R.I. Carruthers. 2000. Saltcedar invasion of western riparian areas: impacts and new prospects for control. In, pp. 345-381, E. McCabe and S. E. Loos (eds.), Trans. 65th No. Amer. Wildl. and Natur. Resour. Conf. Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C. [Book Chapter]
  19. Lovich J.E, R. Daniels. 2000. Enviromental characteristics of desert tortise (Gopherus agassizii) burrow locations in an altered industrial landscape. Chelonian Consercation and Biology 3(4):714-721. [Journal Article]
  20. Lovich J.E. 2000. Pennisetum setaceum Forsskal.Invasive plants of California's wildlands. In, pp. 258-262, C.C. Bossard, J.M. Randall, and M.C. Hoshovsky (eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. [Book Chapter]
  21. Burke V. J., J. E. Lovich, J. W. Gibbons. 2000. Conservation of freshwater turtles. Turtle Conservation. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. . [Book Chapter]
  22. Lovich J.E. 2000. Tamarix ramosissima Lebed, Tamarix chinensis, Tamarix gallica, Tamarix parviflora.Invasive plants of California's wildlands. In, pp. 312-317, C.C. Bossard, J.M. Randall, and M.C. Hoshovsky (eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. [Book Chapter]
  23. DeLoach C.J., R.I. Carruthers, J.E. Lovich, T.L. Dudley, S.D. Smith. 2000. Ecological interactions in the biological control of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) in the United States: toward a new understanding. In pp. 819-873, N. R. Spencer (ed.), Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds. 4-14 July, 1999, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. . [Book Chapter]
  24. Meyer K.P., J.E. Lovich, C. Bjurlin. 2000. Nesting Ecology of Desert Tortoises at the Western Extent of Their Range in the Colorado Desert: A Comparative Site to Fort Irwin. 19pp. [Technical Report]
  25. Meyer K., C. Bjurlin, J. Lovich. 2000. Hatching Success of Desert Tortoise Nests in the Colorado Desert. (Presented at the Wildlife Society Meeting, Sacramento, CA). [Poster]
  26. Lovich J.E., R.A. Mittermeier, P.C.H. Pritchard, A.G.J. Rhodin, J.W. Gibbons. 2000. Powdermill Conference: trouble for the worlds turtles. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 1:16-17. [Journal Article]
  27. Lovich J. E., D. Bainbridge. 1999. Anthropogenic degradation of the southern California desert ecosystem and prospects for natural recovery and restoration. Environmental Management 24:309-326. . [Journal Article]
  28. Lovich J.E., K.P. Meyer. 1999. Aspects of the Ecology of the Western pond turtle in the Mojave River. First presented at the Wildlife Society Meetings, Riverside, California. [Poster]
  29. Lovich J. E., P. Medica, H. Avery, K. Meyer, G. Bowser, A. Brown. 1999. Studies of reproductive output of the desert tortoise at Joshua Tree National Park, the Mojave National Preserve, and comparative sites. Park Science 19:22-24. (Reprinted in Tortuga Gazette [Newsletter of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club] 1999. 35(7):1-2, 4. . [Journal Article]
  30. Lovich J.E. 1999. Our Living Resources: A report to the Nation on the Distribution Abundance and Health of U.S. Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems. Laroe, E. T., C. E. Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M. J. Mac (eds.). National Biological Service, Washington, D.C. [Technical Report]
  31. Lovich J.E. 1999. Human-induced changes in the Mojave and Colorado Desert ecosystems: recovery and restoration potential. In, pp. 529-531, 541-542, M. J. Mac, P. A. Opler, C. E. Puckett Haecker, and P. D. Doran (eds.). Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. [Book Chapter]
  32. Meyer K.P., J.E. Lovich. 1999. The influence of El Nino/Southern Oscillation conditions on activity area and movements of female desert tortoises. First presented at the Mojave Desert Science Symposium, Las Vegas. [Poster]
  33. Lovich J. E. 1999. Mojave Desert Science Symposium. [Web Page]
  34. Lovich J. E. 1999. Facts about snakes in California. . [Web Page]
  35. Lovich J. E. 1999. Frequently asked questions about turtle conservation. . [Web Page]
  36. Meyer K.P., J.E. Lovich. 1999. The Impact of El Niño/Southern Oscillation Conditions on Activity Areas and Movements of Adult Female Desert Tortoises. Mojave Desert Quaternary Research Symposium. April 1999, San Bernardino, California. [Abstract]
  37. Lovich J.E. 1999. Synopsis of conservation information on the desert tortoise. . [Web Page]
  38. Lovich J. E., C. H. Ernst, R. T. Zappalorti, D. W. Herman. 1998. Geographic variation in growth and sexual size dimorphism of bog turtles (Clemmys muhlenbergii). American Midland Naturalist 139:69-78. [Journal Article]
  39. Lovich J. E., R. G. de Gouvenain. 1998. Saltcedar invasion in desert wetlands of the southwestern United States: ecological and political implications. In, pp. 447-467, S. K. Majumdar, E. W. Miller, and F. J. Brenner (eds.). Ecology of Wetlands and Associated Systems. Pennsylvania Academy of Science. (Reprinted in, Kelly, M., E. Wagner, and P. Warner (eds.). 1999. Proceedings: California Exotic Pest Plant Council Symposium. Vol. 4:45-55.). [Book Chapter]
  40. Gibbons J. W., V. J. Burke, J. E. Lovich, R. D. Semlitsch, T. D. Tuberville, J. R. Bodie, J. L. Greene, P. H. Niewiarowski, H. H. Whiteman, D. E. Scott, J. H. K. Pechmann, C. R. Harrison, S. H. Bennett, J. D. Krenz, M. S. Mills, K. A. Buhlmann, J. R. Lee, R. A. Seigel, A. D. Tucker, T. M. Mills, T. Lamb, M. E. Dorcas, J. D. Congdon, M. H. Smith, D. H. Nelson, M. B. Deitsch, H. H. Hanlin, J. A. Ott, D. J. Karapatakis. 1997. Perceptions of species abundance, distribution, and diversity: lessons from four decades of sampling on a government-managed reserve. Environmental Management 21:259-268. [Journal Article]
  41. Hinton T. G., P. Fledderman, J. Lovich, J. Congdon, J. W. Gibbons. 1997. Radiographic determination of fecundity: is the technique safe for developing turtle embryos. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2:409-414. [Journal Article]
  42. Meyer K.P., J.E. Lovich, G. Bowser. 1997. Joshua Tree Tortoises. Presented at The Earthwatch Institute’s Festival of Science and Culture, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts. [Poster]
  43. Lovich J.E., J. Randall, M. Kelly. 1997. Proceedings California Exotic Pest Plant Council Symposium 1996. California Exotic Pest Plant Council, 110 pp. [Proceedings]
  44. Lovich J.E. 1997. Turtles and global change. [Web Page]
  45. Lovich J.E. 1997. Sex, turtles and climate change. U.S. Department of the Interior APeople, Land and Water. 4 (November):12. [Journal Article]
  46. Lovich J.E., J.W. Gibbons. 1997. Conservation of covert species: protecting species we dont even know. In, pp. 426-429, J. van Abbema et al. (eds.). Proceedings: Conservation, Restoration and Management of Turtles and Tortoises - an International Conference, State University of New York, Purchase. [Proceedings]
  47. Lovich J.E. 1997. Wildlife as weeds. In, pp. 46-51, J. Lovich, J. Randall, and M. Kelly (eds.). Proceedings California Exotic Pest Plant Council Symposium 1996. [Proceedings]
  48. Lovich J.E. 1997. Saltcedar invasion in desert wetlands of the southwestern United States: ecological and political implications. Woody Plant Wetland Workshop Saltcedar, Russian Olive. [Web Page]
  49. Lovich J. E. 1997. Additional records of amphibians and reptiles from Indiana County, Pennsylvania. J. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 71:35-38. . [Journal Article]
  50. Ernst C. H., J. E. Lovich, A. F. Laemmerzahl, S. Sekscienski. 1997. A comparison of plastron scute lengths among members of the box turtle genera Cuora and Terrapen. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2:603-607. [Journal Article]
  51. Sloan K. N., K. A. Buhlmann, J. E. Lovich. 1996. Stomach contents of commercially harvested adult alligator snapping turtles, Macroclemys temminckii. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2:96-99. [Journal Article]
  52. Lovich J. E. 1996. Possible demographic and ecologic consequences of sex ratio manipulation in turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2:114-117. [Journal Article]
  53. Ernst C. H., J. E. Lovich. 1996. Hydromedusa maximiliani (Maximilians snake- necked turtle). Epizoic commensal. Herpetological Review 27:76-77. [Journal Article]
  54. Lovich J.E. 1996. A brief review of the impacts of tamarisk, or saltcedar, on biodiversity in the New World. [Web Page]
  55. Lovich J.E., J. Randall, M. Kelly. 1996. Proceedings California Exotic Pest Plant Council Symposium 1995. California Exotic Pest Plant Council, 64 pp. [Proceedings]
  56. Lovich J.E. 1996. A brief overview of the impact of tamarisk infestation on native plants and animals. In, pp. 13-15. J. DiTomaso and C. E. Bell (eds.), Proceedings of the Saltcedar Management Workshop, Rancho Mirage, California, June 12, 1996. [Proceedings]
  57. Lovich J. E., S. W. Gotte, C. H. Ernst, J. Harshbarger, A. F. Laemmerzahl, J. W. Gibbons. 1996. Prevalence and histopathology of shell disease in turtles from Lake Blackshear, Georgia. J. Wildl. Diseases 32:259-265. [Journal Article]
  58. Lovich J. E., R. E. Lovich. 1996. Decline of native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations along the upper West Branch of the Susquehanna River: canaries outside the coal mine. J. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 70:55-60. . [Journal Article]
  59. Sloan K., J. E. Lovich. 1995. Exploitation of the alligator snapping turtle, Macroclemys temminckii, in Louisiana: a case study. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1:221-222. [Journal Article]
  60. Lovich J. E., T. Lamb. 1995. Morphometric similarity between the turtles Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis and K. baurii. J. Herpetology 29:621-624. [Journal Article]
  61. Lovich J.E. 1995. Turtles. In, pp. 118-121. Our Living Resources: a report to the Nation on the Distribution, Abundance and Health of U.S. Plants, Animals and Ecosystems. Laroe, E. T., C. E. Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M. J. Mac (eds.). National Biological Service, Washington, D.C. [Book Chapter]
  62. Lovich J.E. 1995. Ecology of North American tortoises. In, G. Aguirre, E. D. McCoy, H. Mushinsky, M. Villagr n Santa Cruz, R. Garc¡a, and G. C. Andreu (eds.), Proceedings of North American Tortoise Conference, Mapimi Biosphere Reserve, Durango, Mexico, October 8-11, 1994. Publications de la Sociedad Herpetologica Mexicana No. 2:50-53. [Proceedings]
  63. Lovich J. E. 1995. Book review of "Liste des reptiles actuels de monde. I. Chelonii." by Patrick David. 1994. Dumerilia (Publication de l association des Amis du Laboratoire des Reptiles et Amphibians du Mus‚um national d Histoire naturelle de Paris.). Herpetological Review 26:111-112. [Book Review]
  64. Lovich J.E. 1995. Turtles, tortoises and terrapins: a multitude of monikers. The Tortuga Gazette (Newsletter of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club) 31:6. [Newsletter]
  65. Lovich J.E. 1995. Wildlife and weeds: life in an alien landscape. CalEPPC News (California Exotic Pest Plant Council newsletter) 3:4-5. [Newsletter]
  66. Lovich J.E. 1995. Turtle, tortoise and terrapin: myriad monikers. People, Land and Water (U.S. Department of the Interior). 2:26. [Journal Article]
  67. Barrows C., A. Muth, M. Fisher, J. E. Lovich. 1995. Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard. In, pp. 137-138. Our Living Resources: a report to the Nation on the Distribution, Abundance and Health of U.S. Plants, Animals and Ecosystems. Laroe, E. T., C. E. Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M. J. Mack (eds.). National Biological Service, Washington, D.C. [Book Chapter]
  68. Lovich J. E., C. J. McCoy. 1994. Graptemys ernsti. Cat. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 585.1-585.2. [Journal Article]
  69. Lovich J.E. 1994. Biodiversity and zoogeography of non-marine turtles in Southeast Asia. In, pp. 380-391. Biological Diversity: Problems and Challenges. S. K. Majumdar, F. J. Brenner, J. E. Lovich, E. W. Miller, and J. F. Schalles (eds.). Pennsylvania Academy of Science. [Book Chapter]
  70. Lovich J. E., T. B. Egan, R. C. de Gouvenain. 1994. Tamarisk control on public lands in the desert of southern California: two case studies. 46th Annual California Weed Conference, California Weed Science Society. pp. 166-177. [Journal Article]
  71. Lovich J.E. 1994. A bad time to be a turtle. Riverside County Land Conservancy Field Report, Summer issue. 1 page. [Technical Report]
  72. Majumdar S.K., F. Brenner, J. E. Lovich, J. Schalles (eds.). 1994. Biological Diversity: Problems and Challenge. Pennsylvania Academy of Science. Easton, Pennsylvania. 461 pp. [Book]
  73. Ernst C.H., J.E. Lovich, R. Barbour. 1994. Turtles of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 578 pp. (682 page paperback released in 2000). [Book]
  74. Lovich J.E. 1994. How many species of reptiles and amphibians are found in South Carolina. Carolina Herpetology 2:1-2. [Journal Article]
  75. Lovich J. E., C. J. McCoy. 1994. Graptemys gibbonsi. Cat. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 586.1-586.2. [Journal Article]
  76. Lovich J. E. 1993. Macroclemys. Cat. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 562.1-562.2. [Journal Article]
  77. Lovich J.E. 1993. Macroclemys temminckii. Cat. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 562.2-562.4. . [Journal Article]
  78. Lovich J.E. 1992. Aspects of the ecology of an isolated brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) population in Fairfax County, Virginia. J. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 65:107-111. [Journal Article]
  79. Lovich J. E., C. J. McCoy. 1992. Review of the Graptemys pulchra group (Reptilia, Testudines, Emydidae), with descriptions of two new species. Annals of Carnegie Museum 61:293-315. [Journal Article]
  80. Ross D.A., J.E. Lovich. 1992. Does the color pattern of two species of turtles imitate duckweed. J. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 66:39-42. . [Journal Article]
  81. Lovich J. E., D. W. Herman, K. M. Fahey. 1992. Seasonal activity and movements of bog turtles (Clemmys muhlenbergii) in North Carolina. Copeia 1992:1107-1111. [Journal Article]
  82. Avery H.W., A.G. Neibergs, J.E. Lovich, K.H. Berry, L. Morgan. 1992. Does 10-year Exclusion of Cattle Improve Condition of Desert Tortoise Habitat. Proceedings 1992 Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. [Proceedings]
  83. Lovich J.E. 1992. Restoration and revegetation of degraded habitat as a management tool in recovery of the threatened desert tortoise. Contract Report prepared for California Dept. Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Div. U.S. Dept. Interior, Bureau of Land Management, California Desert District. 187 pp. [Technical Report]
  84. Grant B.W., A.D. Tucker, J.E. Lovich, A.M. Mills, P.M. Dixon, J.W. Gibbons. 1992. The use of coverboards in estimating patterns of reptile and amphibian biodiversity. Pp. 379-403 in Wildlife 2001: Populations. D. L. McCullough and R. H. Barrett (eds.). Elsevier Applied Science, London. [Book Chapter]
  85. Lovich J. E., J. W. Gibbons. 1992. A review of techniques quantifying sexual size dimorphism. Growth, Development and Aging 56:269-281. [Journal Article]
  86. Garstka W.R., W.E. Cooper Jr., K.W. Wasmund, J.E. Lovich. 1991. Males sex steroids and hormonal control of male courtship behavior in the yellow bellied slider turtle, Trachemys scripta. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 98A: 271 280. . [Journal Article]
  87. Lovich J.E., A.D. Tucker, D.E. Kling, J.W. Gibbons, T.D. Zimmerman. 1991. Behavior of hatchling diamondback terrapins released in a South Carolina salt marsh. Herpetological Review 22:81-83. [Journal Article]
  88. Lovich J.E., A.F. Laemmerzahl, C.H. Ernst, J.F. McBreen. 1991. Relationships among turtles of the genus Clemmys (Reptilia:Testudines:Emydidae) as suggested by plastron scute morphology. Zoologica Scripta 20:425-429. . [Journal Article]
  89. Ernst C.H., J.E. Lovich. 1990. A new species of Cuora (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae) from the Ryukyu Islands. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 103: 26 34. . [Journal Article]
  90. Lovich J.E. 1990. Spring movement patterns of two radio tagged male spotted turtles. Brimleyana 16:67 71. [Journal Article]
  91. Lovich J.E., J.W. Gibbons. 1990. Age at maturity influences adult sex ratio in the turtle Malaclemys terrapin. Oikos 59:126 134. [Journal Article]
  92. Lovich J., J.W. Garstka, W. Cooper. 1990. Female participation in courtship behavior of the turtle, Trachemys scripta scripta. J. Herpetology 24:422 424. [Journal Article]
  93. Lovich J.E., C.J. McCoy, W.R. Garstka. 1990. The development and significance of melanism in the slider turtle. Pp. 233 254 in Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle. J. Whitfield Gibbons (ed.). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. [Book Chapter]
  94. Gibbons J.W., J.E. Lovich. 1990. Sexual dimorphism in turtles with emphasis on the slider turtle (Trachemys scripta). Herpetological Monographs 4:1-29. [Journal Article]
  95. Lovich J.E., C.H. Ernst, J. McBreen. 1990. Growth, maturity and sexual dimorphism in the wood turtle. Canadian J. Zool. 68:672 677. . [Journal Article]
  96. Lamb T., J.E. Lovich. 1990. Morphometric validation of the striped mud turtle (Kinosternon baurii) in the Carolinas and Virginia. Copeia 1990:613 618. . [Journal Article]
  97. Lovich J.E. 1990. Gaping behavior in basking eastern painted turtles. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 64:78 80. [Journal Article]
  98. Ernst C.H., R.T. Zappalorti, J.E. Lovich. 1989. Overwintering sites and thermal relations of hibernating bog turtles, Clemmys muhlenbergii. Copeia 1989:761 764. [Journal Article]
  99. Iverson J.B., C.H. Ernst, S.W. Gotte, J.E. Lovich. 1989. The validity of Chinemys megalocephala (Testudines: Batagurinae). Copeia 1989:494 498. . [Journal Article]
  100. Lovich J.E. 1989. Another exotic turtle record for Hawaii. Elepaio (J. Hawaii Audubon Soc.). 49:86-87. [Journal Article]
  101. Lovich J.E., C.H. Ernst. 1989. Variation in the plastral formulae of selected turtles with comments on taxonomic utility. Copeia 1989:304 318. . [Journal Article]
  102. Lovich J.E. 1989. The spotted turtles of Cedar Bog, Ohio: historical analysis of a declining population. Pp. 23-28 in Proceedings of Cedar Bog Symposium II. R.C. Glotzhober, A. Kochman, and W.T. Schultz (eds.). Ohio Historical Society. [Proceedings]
  103. Lovich J.E. 1988. Geographic variation in the seasonal activity cycle of spotted turtles, Clemmys guttata. J. Herpetol. 22:482 485. . [Journal Article]
  104. Lovich J.E. 1988. Aggressive basking behavior in eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta). Herpetologica 44:197-202. [Journal Article]
  105. Lovich J.E., T.R. Jaworski. 1988. Annotated checklist of amphibians and reptiles reported from Cedar Bog, Ohio. Ohio J. Sci. 88:139-43. [Journal Article]
  106. Sanderson R.A., J.E. Lovich. 1988. Graptemys barbouri. Cat. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 421.1 421.2. [Journal Article]
  107. Lovich J.E., W.D. Fisher. 1988. Geographic distribution, Ambystoma maculatum. Herpetol. Rev. 19:17. [Journal Article]
  108. Lovich J.E. 1987. The Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Herpetological Museum. Herpetol. Rev. 20:37 38. . [Journal Article]
  109. Lovich J.E. 1987. Mountain nightingales: the story of wolves in western Pennsylvania. Mountain J. 5:3 7. [Journal Article]
  110. Ernst C.H., J.E. Lovich. 1986. Morphometry in the chelid turtle, Platemys platycephala. Herpetological Journal 1:66 70. . [Journal Article]
  111. Lovich J.E. 1986. Daily activity cycles of introduced Hawaiian birds at an urban roost. Elepaio (J. Hawaii Audubon Soc.) 46:131 132. [Journal Article]
  112. Lovich J.E., C.H. Ernst, S.W. Gotte. 1985. Geographic variation in Chinemys reevesii (Gray) and the status of Geoclemys grangeri Schmidt. J. Herpetol. 19:238 245. [Journal Article]
  113. Lovich J.E. 1985. Graptemys pulchra. Cat. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 360.1 360.2. . [Journal Article]
  114. Lovich J.E. 1985. The spotted turtles of Cedar Bog: a population in decline. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Natural Areas and Preserves, 49 pp. [Journal Article]
  115. Ernst C.H., S.W. Gotte, J.E. Lovich. 1985. Reproduction in the mole kingsnake, Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster. Bull. Maryland Herpetol. Soc. 21: 16 22. [Journal Article]
  116. Lovich J.E. 1984. Capital trout. Virginia Wildl. 45:20 23. [Journal Article]
  117. Lovich J.E. 1984. The status of the spotted turtle at Cedar Bog. Ohio Historical Society, 32 pp. [Technical Report]
  118. Lovich J.E., S.W. Gotte, C.H. Ernst. 1983. Clutch and egg size in the New Guinea chelid turtle Emydura subglobosa. Herpetofauna 14:95. [Journal Article]
  119. Lovich J.E. 1982. Geographic distribution. Terrapene carolina carolina. SSAR Herpetol. Review 13:25. [Journal Article]