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photo of Terry Arundel
Arundel, Terry
Biological Resources
Research Station:
Work Address:
2255 North Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
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Biographical Sketch:

Terry Arundel is a geographer with the USGS-Colorado Plateau Research Station's Geospatial Technologies Laboratory. Terry received his Masters in Geography from Northern Arizona University and has 20 years of professional experience in surveying, cartography and geographic information systems (GIS). He began his career as a land surveyor in Phoenix, Arizona. During his final year of undergraduate education at Northern Arizona University, Terry was awarded a working internship as a cartographer at the National Geographic Society from a national competition. Later he was employed as a cartographer for the Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History. For the past 15 years he has worked exclusively with GIS to analyze complex geographic problems or model spatial relationships. Terry's research interests include geography of the Colorado Plateau, ecological principles that influence the temporal and spatial distribution of vegetation, applied spatial statistics and modeling in GIS, and cartography as an art form.

Project List

  • Importance of Walnut Canyon National Monument as habitat for cougars (Puma concolor) in an urban interface environment
  • Spatial and temporal vegetation of pinyon and juniper woodlands on the Coconino Plateau Natural Reserve Lands in northern Arizona
  • Assessment of habitat for the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and the Yellow-billed Cuckoo at 300 acre riparian land parcel in Camp Verde, Arizona
  • Development design of field sampling strategy at Tsezhin Bii
  • Cooperative Weed Management Area mapping

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. Arundel T.R. Petrified Forest National Park Land Ownership. [Map]
  2. Arundel S., T.R. Arundel. 2004. Spatial and Temporal Vegetation Changes of Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands on the Coconino Plateau Natural Reserve Lands in Northern Arizona . [Poster]
  3. Arundel T.R., M. Sogge. 2004. Assessment of habitat for the southwestern willow flycather and yellow-billed cuckoo at 300-acre land parcel in Camp Verde, Arizona. [Map]
  4. Arundel T.R. 2004. Monitoring Points on Babbitt Ranches Colorado Plateau Natural Reserve Lands in northern Arizona. [Map]
  5. Arundel T.R., S. Arundel, D. Mattson, J. Hart. 2004. Spatial Analysis of Cougar (Puma concolor) Habitat in Northern Arizona Using Geographic Information Science (GIS). [Presentation with Abstract]
  6. Cole K.L., S. Arundel, K. Larsen, J. Fisher, T. Arundel, W.G. Spaulding, K. Thomas. 2004. Digitized rangemaps for modern plants of the arid southwest. Distribution maps for (as of 8/04) Creosote Bush, Colorado Pinyon Pine, Single Needle Pinyon, California Pinyon, Arizona singleleaf Pinyon, Joshua Tree, and Utah Agave. [Web Page]
  7. Arundel T.R. 2004. How to Create Spatial and Non-Spatial Metadata. [Publication]
  8. Arundel T.R. 2003. Ranch Ownership with the Coconino Plateau Natural Lands in northern Arizona. [Poster]
  9. Arundel T.R., M. Sogge. 2003. Southwest Biological Science Center, Colorado Plateau Research Station . [Poster]
  10. Arundel T.R. 2003. Private Land in Coconino County, Arizona. [Map]
  11. Arundel T.R. 2003. General Land Office (GLO) townships with Grand Canyon National Park. [Map]
  12. Arundel T.R. 2003. Land Ownership within the Coconino Plateau Natural Lands of northern Arizona. [Poster]
  13. Arundel T.R., D. Mattson, J. Hart. 2003. Location of cougar observations from GPS collars within northern Arizona, July to November 2003. [Poster]
  14. Arundel T.R., D. Mattson, J. Hart. 2002. The importance of Walnut Canyon National Monument as habitat for cougars (Puma concolor) ina an urban interface environment. [Map]
  15. Arundel T.R. 2002. National Park Service Parks on the southern Colorado Plateau. [Map]
  16. Mattson D.J., J. Hart, T. Arundel. 2002. Cougars of the Flagstaff uplands. USGS Southwest Biological Science Center , Flagstaff , AZ. 2pp. [Fact Sheet]
  17. Arundel T.R. 2001. 6th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau Client Day Focus Groups. [Poster]
  18. Arundel T.R. 2001. Climate stations within the Colorado Plateau. In John R. Spence. 2001. Climate of the central Colorado Plateau, Utah and Arizona: Characterization and recent trends. Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. U.S. Geological Survey/FRESC Report Series Report Series USGSFRESC/COPL/2001/24. [Map]
  19. Arundel T.R. 2000. Distribution of Pronghorn Antelope at Petrified FOrest National Park. [Map]
  20. Arundel T.R. 2000. Distribution of Mites on the Colorado Plateau. [Map]
  21. Topham G., T. Arundel. 1999. Digital Terrain Model of Coconino Plateau Natural Reserve Lands in Northern Arizona. [Poster]
  22. Persons T., J.W. Wright. 1999. Distribution of New Mexican Whiptail Lizard (Cnemidophorus neomexicanus) in the Southwest. Discovery of Cnemidophorus neomexicanus. Herpetological Review, 30:4, 1999. [Map]
  23. Thomas K., K. Wright, T. Arundel. 1998. Vegetation: Appendix. Coconino Plateau: Babbitt Ranches Biological Assessment. Flagstaff, AZ. [Book Chapter]
  24. Van Riper III C., R. Ockenfels, J. Bright, T.R. Arundel. 1997. The National Park Service role in management of pronghorn antelope over a fragmented landscape in northeastern Arizona. Proceeedings of the 9th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands, George Wright Society Meeting, Fall 1997. [Proceedings]
  25. Arundel T.R. 1997. Pronghorn Antelope Sightings at Petrified Forest National Park, 1992-1994. In Making Protection Work: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands. [Map]
  26. Arundel T.R. 1997. Pronghorn Antelope Sightings at Wupatki National Monument, February 1993. In Making Protection Work: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands. [Map]