Sheldon Whitehouse

Issue Spotlight

Economy List Image

Supporting Rhode Island's Working Families

Rhode Islanders, like families across the nation, are experiencing economic anxieties the likes of which we have not seen in a generation. We need to attack the problem of our floundering economy on two fronts: we must reexamine our failed trade policies, and we must give relief to middle-class families.

More About Supporting Rhode Island's Working Families »

Health Care

Fixing our Broken Health Care System

As I've talked with Rhode Islanders at community dinners and events all across the state, one issue is on people's minds almost more than any other: reforming our broken health care system. I believe that we can and must reform the underlying mechanisms of our health care system, and expand access to health insurance for all Americans. Our American health care system is itself in need of help. Now, it's time to take smart, effective reform measures that will lead us to the bright health care future we deserve.

More About Fixing our Broken Health Care System »


Bringing Our Troops Home from Iraq

President Bush's misguided war has strained the capacity of our military and placed extreme pressures on our service members and their families. I believe it is right to bring our troops home from Iraq, and President Obama's decision to set a date to bring our troops home from Iraq and refocus our efforts on Afghanistan is an encouraging step in the right direction. I am confident that under his new leadership, we will safely and responsibly put an end to this ill-conceived and poorly managed war.

More About Bringing Our Troops Home from Iraq »

Civil Liberties

Standing Up for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law

For eight years, the Bush Administration pursued a dangerously aggressive view of Presidential power, at the expense of our essential freedoms, liberties, and the rule of law. As a former state and federal prosecutor, my experience has taught me that we can keep Americans safe without sacrificing our civil liberties. I will work with the Obama Administration to stand up against torture, for our civil liberties, and for balanced government and the rule of law.

More About Standing Up for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law »