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United States Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan

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Senator Debbie Stabenow

Welcome to my online office. I hope this site is helpful to you in learning about my Senate activities and services. You can use the bar to the left to navigate through this web site. You can contact one of my offices directly, either in Michigan or in Washington DC, if you need any further information or help.

- Debbie Stabenow


Senate Refuels Cash for Clunkers
Senator Stabenow led her colleagues in passing an additional $2 billion for the extremely successful CARS Program, also known as Cash for Clunkers. So far, Michigan dealers have received over $44 million in vouchers – more than any other state. Taking advantage of the CARS Program, tens of thousands of people have come to Michigan dealer showrooms to take advantage of great deals on American cars and trucks. Read more…

Michigan Gets $1.3 Billion for Advanced Batteries
The Obama Administration announced that it released $2.4 billion in funding for advanced battery technologies as part of the economic recovery act. Senator Stabenow championed this section of the bill because of its importance to the future of automotive and alternative energy manufacturing. Over half of the total amount awarded will go to Michigan companies to help continue leading the nation in the development of advanced energy technologies. Read more…

Cash for Clunkers Program Enormous Success
“It is amazing that ‘Cash for Clunkers’ would be this successful this quickly. Many people talk of the need for a short-term stimulus for the economy. Well, we have found it in the CARS program. With over 200,000 cars sold, thousands of employees on the job serving customers, millions of dollars in advertisement spending, and sales tax income flowing into struggling states, CARS has injected money into communities across America." Read more...

Stabenow hosts Green Jobs Summit Senator Stabenow, as Chair of the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee, hosted a Green job Summit in Washington DC that brought together dozens of Senators, ten Michigan companies, and over twenty representatives from Michigan Labor organizations, universities, and community colleges who are leaders in clean energy innovation.

Senator Stabenow Launches Health Care People's Lobby "As the health care reform debate heats up, lobbyists and special interests are already opposing efforts to make the system work for the American people,” said Stabenow. “That is why I am launching the Health Care People’s Lobby, to give the people of Michigan a voice in this debate that is so important to families across our state and our country." Sign up now!

Stabenow Bill Will Crack Down on Countries that Manipulate Currency
Senator Stabenow introduced the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act of 2009. Stabenow’s legislation provides a clear definition and methodology of currency manipulation which will help prevent foreign countries from gaining an unfair competitive advantage at the cost of American jobs. Read more...

Economic Recovery Act Creates Jobs in America
You can read more about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act by clicking here. You can get more details about how the bill will help rebuild our American middle class by cutting taxes for middle class families and creating up to 4 million jobs. Read Senator Stabenow's press release detailing major victories for Michigan, information about what is included in the bill, and links the full text of the legislation.

Support our Troops
You can help support our Michigan men and women who are currently serving oversees in the Armed Forces:
          - Michigan National Guard Family Page
          - USO Cares
          - America Supports You


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