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Welcome! Thank you for visiting my online office.

I am working every day to serve the people of Colorado to the very best of my ability, and this website is one important way for me to communicate with you about what I’m doing in Colorado, and in Washington, D.C., to address the challenges we face.

We’re constantly adding updates to this site so that you can find news about my work on many important issues, including helping to rebuild the economy, protect our national security, strengthen our energy policy, and bridge the partisan divide that so often slows Congress’ progress on critical issues.

This is also a one-stop location to learn about the how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is working to create jobs in your community and help those most in need.

Please use this website as a resource. I've included information about ordering an American flag, applying for the service academies, and visiting the Capitol and other sights in Washington, D.C. My contact information is here, too, and I hope you will call or email if you need help with any federal agency – or just want to tell me what’s on your mind. Thousands of Coloradans contact my offices each week to express their opinions, and your input is very helpful to me and my staff.

You have my promise that my offices will be open to you as I serve Colorado in the United States Senate.

Mark Udall