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Hatch Statement on Gary Herbert’s Inauguration as Utah’s 17th Governor

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today issued the following statement about the inauguration of Gary Herbert as Utah’s 17th governor:

"Today is an important day in Utah's history. We are saying goodbye to a great governor and wishing him well as he undertakes a very important assignment for our country. And we are welcoming Gary Herbert as our governor. I am certain that Gov. Herbert will provide steady, thoughtful, and strong leadership as he leads our state through the coming years. I look forward to working with Gov. Herbert on issues of great importance to all Utahns and the future of our state."

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Hatch Touts Bill to Spur Use of Natural Gas Vehicles
Energy-independence advocate T. Boone Pickens looks on as Senator Orrin Hatch talks about a proposed bill aimed at providing a boost to vehicles that run on clean natural gas. The bipartisan legislation would extend and increase tax credits for natural gas vehicles and refueling. 

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