Contacting Senator Dodd

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Individual comments and concerns about issues, news, or the government are important to me and essential in best representing Connecticut. I look forward to hearing from you.

Unfortunately, due to the large volume of mail I receive, I can only respond to residents of Connecticut. If you are not a Connecticut resident, please click here to find out how to contact your Senator.

If you are a Connecticut resident but currently live overseas or serve in the armed forces and vote absentee, I request that you use your Connecticut address when submitting a message. Please note your overseas address in the body of your message.

Web Mail

To send me an email, first use the links below to select one of the following three options. Please read the choices carefully to ensure that your correspondence is processed in as efficient and timely a manner as possible:

  • Express an opinion. Select this option if you would like to tell me how you feel about a topic of concern to you or if you would like to learn my position on a particular issue.
  • Casework/Help with a federal agency. My staff and I may be able to assist you in resolving difficulties you may have with a particular federal government agency. If you need my assistance, please read the Casework Section first; then select this option if you need further information or wish to submit your request online. Please do not select this option if you have general concerns about the policies of federal agencies; instead, select "Express an opinion" above.
  • Other requests. If you have a request that does not fall into one of the above two categories, you may consult other areas of my web site for more information on services I can provide for Connecticut residents, including requests for a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol, internship opportunities, service academy nominations, requesting a letter from me to commemorate a special occasion; scheduling tours in Washington, D.C., and other informational requests; or to read my biography, which contains answers to many frequently-asked questions.


A Note on Meeting Requests
If you would like to request a meeting with me or a member of my staff, or to invite me to attend an event in the Washington area:
  • Washington meeting requests may be submitted over the phone by calling my D.C. office at (202)224-2823.
  • Connecticut meeting requests need to be sent in writing via fax to (860) 258-6958.

Postal mail is not recommended as it can take approximately 3-4 weeks for delivery, due to security procedures. Mail sent via Fed Ex, UPS or Overnight delivery also requires security procedures and takes about 5 days to arrive.