Taliban roadside bomb network takes hit; Coalition forces kill seven militants
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U.S. Forces - Afghanistan

Press Release

United States Forces-Afghanistan

November 24, 2008                                                      

Release Number 20082411-01

Taliban roadside bomb network takes hit; Coalition forces kill seven militants

KABUL, Afghanistan – Coalition forces killed seven armed Taliban fighters during an operation to disrupt the Taliban’s roadside bomb and foreign fighter networks in Ghazni province, Sunday.

In Qarbagh District, Coalition forces targeted one of the province’s senior Taliban commanders responsible for coordinating and directing roadside bombs, suicide and other attacks against innocent civilians, GIRoA and Coalition forces in the region.  Intelligence also suggests the commander facilitates the movement of foreign fighters, weapons and bomb making materials into Ghazni.

As the force reached the targeted building, they gave precise directions for all individuals inside the compound to surrender and exit.  Adhering to the command, one woman and two children exited the building peacefully.  As the force attempted to safeguard the woman and children, they were besieged by small-arms fire and hand grenades from militants barricaded inside the compound.  While moving the woman and children into a safe location, the force returned fire killing the seven armed militants inside.

A search of the compound revealed multiple PKM machine guns, AK-47s, grenades, and roadside bomb making materials, including fertilizer.  These items were destroyed to prevent future use.  This find further highlights the Taliban’s indiscriminate use of violence. Once planted, these devices pose even more of a threat to civilians who live in the area than they do to the security forces.

The woman and children were returned safely to their home following the operation.


United States Forces Afghanistan’s mission, in coordination with NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, is to conduct operations to defeat terrorist networks and insurgents by developing effective governance and building the Afghan National Security Force.  Effective security throughout the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan facilitates continued regional stability and increases economic development for the people of Afghanistan.

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