ANA, Coalition Forces kill six militants, disrupt IED-making cells
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U.S. Forces - Afghanistan

Joint Press Release

March 14, 2009

Release Number: 20091403-01

ANA, Coalition Forces kill six militants, disrupt IED-making cells

KABUL, Afghanistan – Afghan National Army Special Operations Forces and Coalition Forces conducted operations early March 14 in Lowgar and Kandahar Provinces to further disrupt and disable improvised explosive device-making cells operating in eastern Afghanistan.

In Charkh District, Lowgar Province, approximately 80 km southwest of Kabul, combined Afghan and Coalition Forces conducted operations against militants associated with IED facilitation.  Upon receiving credible information that militants were staying at a compound in Charkh District, the combined force moved to the targeted location and called out for non-combatants to exit the premises.  A firefight began when armed militants engaged the force.  Five enemy combatants were killed in the firefight.  A search of the compound revealed multiple weapons and grenades, which were destroyed to prevent their use against the Afghan people and Coalition Forces.

Eight women and nine children were protected.

In Zhari District, Kandahar Province approximately 55 km west of Kandahar, Afghan special operations forces and Coalition Forces conducted a raid on a facility used as a storage area and staging site for Taliban operations against Coalition Forces operating in Zhari and Panjwayi Districts.  Following a tip provided by a local Afghan, the combined force moved to the targeted compound and established a secure perimeter.  The force encountered and armed enemy combatant and he was killed.  Without further incident, the force detained 10 suspected militants.  Approximately 80 kg of a potential explosive material often used in the production of IEDs was destroyed.

Nineteen women and 29 children on the compound were protected.


Contact information:

- Ministry of Defense, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Press office telephone:  93 (0) 20 210 2742

- US Forces Afghanistan Public Affairs, office telephone:  93 (0) 799 51 2919

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