Afghan defense minister and coalition commander agree on force multiplier
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U.S. Forces - Afghanistan

Joint Press Release

February 12, 2009

Release Number: 20091202-01

Afghan defense minister and coalition commander agree on force multiplier

Kabul, Afghanistan - Afghan Minister of Defense, General Abdul Rahim Wardak, and Coalition Forces Commander, General David McKiernan, after conducting a series of consultations over tactics and procedures of joint operations, have agreed to the following measures that will further improve Afghan and Coalition military cooperation in counter-terrorism operations. 

In an ongoing endeavor to increase partnered operations and develop Afghan capability to defeat terrorists and adversaries the officials have agreed to include more Afghan representatives in the planning and execution of counter-terrorism missions, with more attention to night operations, actions in populated areas and searches. 

This step will strengthen the ability of the combined forces to shape and clear areas of terrorist and militant concentration and enable opportunities to assist the ANP to protect the people and key infrastructure.  Removing bomb makers, terrorist networks and foreign militants from the population will enhance security for the Afghan people.

There will be better coordination to minimize risk of civilian casualties and ensure Afghans search Afghan and conduct arrest operations.  Maintaining the support of the Afghan people is essential to defeating the terrorists.

We will work together as a team to defeat a common enemy.  It is in the collective national security interests of the Afghans and coalition to secure Afghanistan, with more and more of that security being accomplished by ANSF over time.


Contact information:

- Ministry of Defense, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Press office telephone:  93 (0) 20 210 2742

- US Forces Afghanistan Public Affairs, office telephone:  93 (0) 799 51 2919

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