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map of mesonet observations WBB HOL SNC SNZ FWP SNV MBY DVE DVB EMPUT KSLC KU42 KPVU UT7 UT5 UT3 ATB CLN ALT AGD AMB HDP TML BRIU1 DRFU1 HARU1 LOPU1 LMSU1 MLDU1 PCRU1 RBSU1 SBDU1 THCU1 TIMU1 PGRU1 PSUU1 CCD UT11 BAC UT12 UT23 UT20 KIJ K36U TRJO MSI02 CAMU1 UP069 C0120 C1415 C2197 QWJ BRC C3430 C4117 AR999 UTSVC SBIRD UTALP AS225 AS230 C5991 AS319 C7555 BOUNT C6171 C8826 C8880 C8906 C8948 DVG  AS768 BRW C9348 EYSC UTQRY D0094 D0231 D0604 AS948 D0611 D0818 D0963 UTLGP D1782 UTMFS UTHEB UT248 D2400 D2624 UT30