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Port Facility Data

Port Series Reports

Ordering Guide

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Ports and Waterways Facilities


Fifty-six Port Series Reports cover nearly 10,000 facilities in more than 200 port areas.
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Summarized versions of the Port Series Reports The summary reports are available on this web site. cover the latest surveys and list the characteristics of each facility by Port Series number sorted by port, waterway, mile-point and/or facility name.

The Port Series Reports describe the physical and inter-modal (infrastructure) characteristics of the coastal, Great Lakes, and inland ports of the United States. Facility data include, but are not limited to location (latitude/longitude, mile, and bank); operations (name, owner, operator, purpose, handling equipment, rates, and details of open and covered storage facilities); type and dimension of construction (length of berth space for vessels and/or barges, depth, apron width, deck elevation, and details of rail and highway access); and utilities available (water, electricity, and fire protection).

In addition, the published reports include extensive descriptive material such as project authorization, bridge/tunnel/railroad infrastructure data, meteorological information, and anchorage descriptions. All viable commodity handling and maritime service wharves are included, as are aerial maps and photos of individual facilities.

Port Series Ordering Guide     Spinning Globe

Public Announcements


  • Port Series Report No. 11 - Ports of Hampton Roads and Ports on the James and York Rivers, VA

  • Port Series Report No. 4 - Ports of Southern New England (Bridgeport, New Haven, and New London, CT; the Connecticut River; Providence, RI; and Fall River, New Bedford and Fairhaven, MA)

  • Port Series Report No. 39 - Ports of South Central And Western Alaska (Prince William Sound & Cook Inlet; Kodiak Island; Alaska Peninsula & Aleutian; and Western & Interoir Alaska)

  • Port Series Report No. 65 - Port on the Illinois Waterway (Miles 0-291, Grafton to Lockport)

  • Port Series Report No. 70 - Port of St. Louis, and Ports on the Upper Mississippi River (Miles 0-300 AOR)

  • Port Series Report No. 71 - Ports of Memphis, TN; Helena, AR; and the Ports on the Lower Mississippi River (Miles 620-954 AHP)





  • Sample Map of Port Facilities on Mississippi River Mile 95 to 104, New Orleans, LA
    Ohio River

Comments or Questions Contact: NDC
7701 Telegraph Rd., Casey Bldg.
Alexandria, VA 22315
(703) 428-9061
This document was last revised: 10/27/2006
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