Directory of Key Officials
The USGS is organized with a Headquarters and Eastern Region facility in Reston, Virginia. Central Region and Western Region offices are located in Denver, Colorado and Menlo Park, California, respectively. Thousands of other USGS employees are working in every state in the nation.
Regional Executives: Map of Region, Areas, and Cities
Select a regional area on the map (below) to view contact information.

Discipline Components |
Regional Components |
Integrated Science Centers
John W. Powell Federal Building
12201 Sunrise
Valley Drive
Reston, Virginia 20192
Eastern Region
Office of the Regional Director
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
MS 150
VA 20192-0002
Central Region
Office of the Regional Director
PO Box 25046
Denver Federal Center,
Bldg 810
Denver, CO 80225-0046
Western Region
Office of the Regional Director
909 First Avenue, Suite 704
WA 98104
Office of the Director, U.S. Geological
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Acting Director, Suzette M.Kimball, MS
100 |
703-648-7411 |
Assistant Janet N
Arneson MS 100 |
703-648-7411 |
Deputy Director Robert
E Doyle MS 101 |
703-648-7412 |
Staff Assistant Georgia
Diersing MS 101 |
703-648-7412 |
Chief of Staff, Judy
MS 104 |
703-648-4411 |
Staff Assistant, Charles Grady Wortman, MS 106 |
703-648-4191 |
Staff Assistant
for Special Issues, Joanne
Taylor, MS 121 |
703-648-6837 |
Senior Advisor for Science Applications, James
F Devine, MS 106 |
703-648-4423 |
Staff Assistant, Charles Grady Wortman, MS 106 |
703-648-4191 |
Senior Advisor for Global Change Programs, Thomas Armstrong, MS 104 |
703-648-6917 |
Washington Liaison Office, Main Interior
Building, 1849 C Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Staff Assistant to the
Director Angela D Peavy MS
103 |
202-208-3888 |
Office of Communications
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Director, Barbara Wainman, MS 119 |
703-648-5750 |
Secretary, Barbara Cardellichio, MS 119 |
703-648-4464 |
Deputy Director, Leslie McElroy, MS 119 |
703-648-4354 |
Congressional Liaison Officer, Tim West, MS 119 |
703-648-4300 |
Internal and Web Communications Officer, Karen Wood, MS 119 |
703-648-4447 |
Public Affairs Officer, Mike Gauldin, MS 119 |
703-648-4054 |
View all Office of Communications Staff contact information |
Geospatial Information Office
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Associate Director for
Geospatial Information, Kevin Gallagher, MS 108 |
703-648-5747 |
Executive Assistant, Carrie
Curry, MS 108 |
703-648-5748 |
Deputy, Vacant |
Secretary, Vacant, MS 110 |
Chief of Staff, Karen
Kretlow, MS 110 |
703-648-5761 |
Acting Chief Scientist, Cheryl Morris |
303-202-4500 |
IIE Project Manager, Vacant, MS 810 |
USGS Senior Data Modeler, Stan Smith |
907-786-7072 |
Acting Chief, Business and Performance
Management, Julia L
Fields, MS 810 |
703-648-4184 |
Chief, Information Technology and
Security Office Rich Frazier, MS 159 |
703-648-6839 |
Program Assistant, Kimianne Lee, MS 159 |
703-648-6828 |
Chief, Technology Officer, Paul Exter |
443-498-5534 |
Chief, Computing Infrastructure, Tom Wood, MS 445 |
703-648-5617 |
Chief, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Ellen Rierson, MS 809 |
703-648-6731 |
Chief, Enterprise Information & Investment Management, Jillian O'Connell, MS 807 |
703-648-4314 |
Chief, Information Technology
Security Operations, Alan Wiser |
865-545-4140 x206 |
Chief, Information Technology
Security Management, Jan Holland, MS 160 |
703-648-7169 |
Acting Chief, Science Information
and Education Office, Mike
McDermott, MS 150 |
703-648-5771 |
Program Assistant, Laura McClung, MS 159 | 703-648-6820 |
Chief, National Science Network Program,
McDermott, MS 150 |
703-648-5771 |
Chief, Enterprise Web Program, Karen Klima, MS 807 |
703-648-6844 |
Enterprise Publishing Network Manager, Patricia L. Lietman, |
717-730-6960 |
Eastern Region Publishing Manager, Barbara Balthrop |
615-837-4702 |
Central Region Publishing Manager, Terry D'Erchia |
303-236-7431 |
Western Region Publishing Manager, Sean Stone |
650-329-5045 |
Chief, Geospatial Information Integration and Analysis, Mark DeMulder, MS 511 |
703-648-5569 |
Program Assistant, Rhonda Miles, MS 511 |
703-648-5519 |
Chief, Geospatial Information Coordination Ivan
B DeLoatch, MS 590 |
703-648-5740 |
Program Assistant, Carol
Greenough, MS 590 |
703-648-4150 |
Strategic Advisor for the National Map, Larry Sugarbaker, MS 810 |
703-648-5741 |
Acting Enterprise Architect, Jillian O'Connell, MS 807 |
703-648-4314 |
Acting Records Officer, Jillian O'Connell, MS 807 |
703-648-4314 |
Acting FOIA/Privacy Officer, Joye Durant, MS 807 |
703-648-5789 |
Program Management Officer, Mona Singleton, MS 807 |
703-648-7159 |
National Librarian, Richard Huffine, MS 807 |
703-648-7182 |
Office of Administrative Policy and
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Associate Director, Karen Baker, MS 201 |
703-648-7200 |
Executive Assistant Noreen
H Rega MS 201 |
703-648-7203 |
Deputy Associate Director Kelley Bradley MS 201 |
703-648-5040 |
Program Manager Patricia Dunham MS 201 |
703-648-5751 |
Office Assistant Vacant MS 201 |
703-648-7215 |
Chief, Office of Accounting and
Financial Management, Paul McEnrue MS 270 |
703-648-7609 |
Branch of Fiscal Services Jackie Johnson MS 270 |
703-648-7616 |
Chief, Office of Acquisition and
Grants Scott G Morton MS
205 |
703-648-7373 |
Chief, Office of Business Information
Systems Kenneth S Moss MS
802 |
703-648-7242 |
Chief, Office of Internal Control
and Reporting, Patricia Halseth, MS270 |
703-648-7660 |
Chief, Office of Management Services, Paul Gargano, MS 207 |
703-648-7505 |
Chief, Office of Policy and Analysis Marylou
D Pectol MS 202 |
703-648-6616 |
Office of Human Capital
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Associate Director for Human Capital, Pamela Malam, MS 600 |
703-648-7414 |
Executive Assistant, Melinda Gaber |
703-648-7414 |
Senior Advisor, Martin Pursley |
703-648-7406 |
Human Resources Officer, S
Kaye Cook, MS 601 |
703-648-7442 |
Secretary, Gloria
H Vest, MS 601 |
703-648-7444 |
Chief, Office of Equal Opportunity Office, Alesia J. Pierre-Louis, MS 602 |
703-648-7770 |
Management Assistant, LaShawn M. Hackley, MS 602 |
703-648-7775 |
Chief, Office of Organizational and Employee Development, Dianne
Jeffries, PO Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Bldg
53, MS 414, Denver, CO 80225-0046 |
303-445-4668 |
Management Assistant, Nancy Smith, PO Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Bldg
53, MS 414, Denver, CO 80225-0046 |
303-445-4668 |
Associate Director for Geology
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Acting Associate Director,Peter Lyttle, MS 911 |
703-648-6600 |
Staff Assistant Janice H. Shay MS 911 |
703-648-6602 |
Chief, International Programs Richard
J Calnan MS 917 |
703-648-6206 |
Program Assistant, Karen E. Longmore, MS
917 |
703-648-6044 |
Program Analyst Cheryl
D Smith MS 912 |
703-648-6105 |
Chief Scientist for Geology, Linda Gunderson MS 911 |
703-648-6601 |
Secretary Hirut Mengestu MS 911 |
703-648-6641 |
Senior Science Advisor for Earthquake
and Geologic Hazards David Applegate, MS 905 |
703-648-6714 |
Program Assistant Joyce
A Costello MS 905 |
703-648-6715 |
Program Coordinator, Mineral Resources
Kate M Johnson MS
913 |
703-648-6110 |
Program Assistant Melba
E Berry MS 913 |
703-648-6405 |
Program Coordinator, Coastal and
Marine Geology John
W Haines MS 915B |
703-648-6422 |
Program Assistant Caroline
Miller MS 915B |
703-648-6069 |
Program Coordinator, Energy Resources
Brenda S Pierce MS
915A |
703-648-6421 |
Program Assistant Donna
Read MS 915A |
703-648-6471 |
Acting Program Coordinator, National Cooperative
Geologic Mapping and Landslide Hazards Programs Randy Orndorff MS 908 |
703-648-6943 |
Program Assistant Vacant MS 908 |
703-648-4507 |
Program Coordinator, National Geological and
Geophysical Data Preservation Program Tammy
Dickinson MS 908 |
703-648-6603 |
Secretary Tiffany Davenport MS 908 |
703-648-6634 |
Program Coordinator, Volcano Hazards
John Eichelberger MS
904 |
703-648-6711 |
Program Assistant Linda
R Huey MS 904 |
703-648-6712 |
Eastern Region
Office of the Director, Eastern Region, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Mail Stop 150, Reston, VA, 20192-0002
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Director,William Werkheiser, |
703-648-5044 |
Staff Assistant, E. Louise Harris, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 150, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-5817 |
Deputy, Eastern Regional
Director, Daniel
K. Cavanaugh, 12201
Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 150, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-5908 |
Staff Assistant Alica
K Weitzman, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 150,
Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-4582 |
Regional Chief Scientist, Paul Young,
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 150, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-5115 |
Staff Assistant Rosemarie
Graves, 11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430 |
304-724-4520 |
Chief of Staff Tammy Mitchell, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 150, Reston,
VA 20192 |
703-648-5766 |
Program Officer for Budget Rob Leach, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 105,
Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-7101 |
Chief of Communications, Anne-Berry
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 119, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-4483 |
Eastern Region Geospatial Information
Officer Stephen
King, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 150, Reston,
VA 20192 |
703-648-4493 |
Administrative Assistant, Chris
Snyder, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 150, Reston,
VA 20192 |
703-648-4589 |
Deputy Regional Geospatial Information Officer, Jay
Storey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 561, Reston,
VA 20192 |
703-648-5107 |
Regional Executives -- Southeast Area, Norcross, GA
(TN, NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, FL, PR, VI)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Jess Weaver, 3850 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 160, Norcross, GA, 30092 |
770-409-7701 |
Deputy REx, Marge Davenport, 3850 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 160, Norcross, GA, 30092 |
770-409-7703 |
Regional Program Officer, Sonya Jones, 3850 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 160, Norcross, GA, 30092 |
770-409-7705 |
Regional Management Officer, Kim Crutchfield, 720 Gracern Road, Columbia, SC, 29210 |
803-750-6123 |
Staff Scientist, Vacant |
Secretary, Vacant, 3850 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 160, Norcross, GA, 30092 |
Study Unit Coordinator - Everglades, Ronnie Best, 3205 College Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33314 |
954-577-6354 |
Focus Area Coordinator - Gulf Coast, Dawn Lavoie, 2045 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 422, New Orleans, LA 70122 |
703-922-4544 |
Regional Executives -- Northeast Area, Reston, VA
(ME, NH, VT, NY, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, MD, PA, WV, VA)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Dave Russ, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 953, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-6660 |
Deputy REx, Dave Grason, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 953, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-5293 |
Regional Program Officer 1, Vacant |
Regional Program Officer 2, Vacant |
Regional Management Officer, Dirk Van Dyk, 12201 Sunrise valley Dr. MS 953, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-6150 |
Program Analyst, Glenn Holcomb, 11649 Leetown Road, MS 156, Kearneysville, WV 25430 |
304-724-4526 |
Secretary, Wendy Rowland, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 953, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-6661 |
Study Unit Coordinator - Chesapeake Bay, Scott Phillips, 5522 Research Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21228 |
443-498-5552 |
Office of Regional Services, Eastern
Region, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Chief, Office of Regional
Services, Eastern Region Dara Ritter MS 150 |
703-648-7209 |
Chief, Office of Fiscal Services, Nate Wenger MS 156 |
703-648-5142 |
Secretary/Fiscal Specialist, Kendra Dunn MS 150 |
703-648-7250 |
Chief, Branch of Acquisition and
Grants Lisa Toson MS
152 |
703-648-7365 |
Chief, Branch of Management Services, Joel Campbell MS 153 |
703-648-7522 |
Secretary, Rita
E. Haddad-Khalil, MS 153 |
703-648-4611 |
Chief, Branch of Personnel Veronica Johnson MS 157 |
703-648-5804 |
Regional Executives -- Midwest Area, Ann Arbor, MI
(WI, MI, IL, IN, OH, KY)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Leon Carl, 1451 Green Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 |
737-214-7200 |
Deputy REx, Hedy Rossmeissl , 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 433, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-5577 |
Regional Management Officer, Alicia D. Bullocks, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 433, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-474-5324 |
Regional Program Officer, Jim Morris (acting) 6480 Doubletree Avenue, Columbus OH 43229 |
614-430-7702 |
Staff Scientist, Vacant |
Secretary, Marilyn Murphy, 1451 Green Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 |
737-214-7206 |
Focus Area Coordinator - Great Lakes, Norman G. Grannemann, 6520 Mercantile Way, Lansing, MI 48911 |
517-887-8936 |
Central Region
Office of the Director, Central Region, PO Box 25046, Denver Federal Center,
Bldg 810, Denver, CO 80225-0046
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Central Regional Director Stanley Ponce MS 150 |
303-236-1475 |
Secretary Kathleen
M Reed MS 150 |
303-202-4761 |
Deputy Regional Director, Leslie Armstrong, MS 150 |
303-202-4746 |
Chief Scientist, Frank
D'Erchia, MS 150 |
303-202-4743 |
Secretary, Tammy Sharp, MS 150 |
303-202-4778 |
Program Budget Planning Officer, Kathleen McCormick, MS150 |
303-202-4745 |
Chief of Communications, David
Ozman, MS 150 |
303-202-4744 |
Secretary, Ranae
Lichtwardt, MS 150 |
303-202-4759 |
Central Region Geospatial Information
Officer Cheryl A Morris, MS 150 |
573-441-2780 |
National American Indian/Alaska
Native Liaison, Susan
M. Marcus, 12201 Sunrise Valley
Drive, MS 104, Reston, VA 20192 |
703-648-4437 |
Office of Central Regional Services,
PO Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 201
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Chief, Office of Regional
Services, Central Region, Linda S. Kimberling, MS 201 |
303-236-9200 |
Executive Assistant Debra Mahon MS 201 |
303-236-9200 |
Chief, Office of Fiscal Services Robert Hammer (Acting) MS 303 |
303-236-9734 |
Chief, Branch of Acquisition and
Grants, Deborah Boles MS
204 |
303-236-9315 |
Chief, Branch of Management Services, Eva Bryson (Acting), MS 205 |
303-236-9172 |
Chief, Branch of Personnel Deborah
M Lowe MS 612 |
303-236-9562 |
Regional Executives -- North Central Area: Minneapolis MN
(MT, WY, ND, SD, NE, IA, MN)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Linda Leake (Acting), 1345 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 200, Eagan, MN 55121 |
651-379-2742 |
Deputy Regional Executive, Linda Leake, 1345 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 200, Eagan, MN 55121 |
651-379-2742 |
Science Program Officer, Jeff Stoner, 1345 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 200, Eagan, MN 55121 |
651-379-2744 |
Regional Management Officer, Terry Williams, 1345 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 200, Eagan, MN 55121 |
651-379-2745 |
Program Analyst, Stacy Briles, 1345 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 200, Eagan, MN 55121 |
651-379-2746 |
Staff Scientist, Vacant |
Secretary, Melanie Deets, 1345 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 200, Eagan, MN 55121 |
651-379-2740 |
Regional Executives -- Rocky Mountain Area: Denver CO
(CO, NM)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Randy Updike, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 911, Denver, CO 80225 |
303-236-5440 |
Deputy Regional Executive, Bill Horak, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 911, Denver, CO 80225 |
303-236-4836 |
Program Officer, Warren Day, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 911, Denver, CO 80225 |
303-236-6484 |
Regional Management Officer, Jim Brokaw, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 911, Denver, CO 80225 |
303-236-5435 |
Assistant Regional Management Officer, Geri Garcia, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 980, Denver, CO 80225 |
303-236-5480 |
Staff Scientist, Breton Bruce, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 406, Denver, CO 80225 |
303-445-4613 |
Secretary, Susan Barnes, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 911, Denver, CO 80225 |
303-236-5438 |
Regional Executives -- South Central Area: Columbia MO (1700 East Pointe Drive, Suite 202, Columbia, MO 65201)
(KS, MO, OK, AR, TX, LA)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Max Ethridge |
651-379-2741 |
Deputy Regional Executive, Jim Stefanov |
573-777-1662 |
Science Program Officer, Allison Shipp |
573-777-1665 |
Regional Management Officer, Joe Henderson |
573-777-1663 |
Staff Scientist, Vacant |
Assistant Regional Management Officer, Arlene Schwab |
573-777-1664 |
Executive Assistant, Edna Duff |
573-777-1660 |
Western Region
Office of the Director, Western Region, 909 First Avenue, Suite 704, Seattle,
WA 98104
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Western Regional
Director, Anne Kinsinger |
206-220-4578 |
Staff Assistant, Mary Irvine |
206-220-4623 |
Deputy, Western Regional Director Richard Ferrero |
206-220-4578 |
Chief of Staff, Mark Sogge 2255 Gemini Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86001 |
928 606-1286 |
Program Analyst, Vandola Greene 345 Middlefield Road MS 531, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
650-329-4266 |
Regional Chief Scientist, Brian Cole 345 Middlefield Rd, MS 150, Menlo Park, CA 940 |
650-329-4593 |
Chief of Communications, Vic Hines |
206-220-4573 |
Western Region Geospatial Information
Officer, Olvin "Dru" Burks,
Modoc Hall, 3020 State University Drive East, Sacramento,
CA 95819 |
916-278-9300 |
Office of Regional Services, Western
Region, Modoc Hall, 3020 State University Drive East, Sacramento, CA 95819
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Chief, Office of Regional
Services, Western Region Tammy Bagley suite 3001 |
916-278-9545 |
Staff Assistant Carol Lee |
916-278-9361 |
Chief, Office of Fiscal Services Phyllis
C Smith MS 211, 345 Middlefield Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
650-329-5102 |
Chief, Branch of Acquisition and
Grants Nancy V
Miller, Modoc Hall, 3020 State University Drive East,
Sacramento, CA 95819 |
916-278-9325 |
Chief, Branch of Management Services Vicki
E Flagg MS 225, 345 Middlefield Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
650-329-4145 |
Human Resources Officer, Western Region Cathy Shahan suite 2001 |
916-278-9400 |
Regional Executives -- Alaska Area: 4210 University Drive,
Anchorage, AK 99508
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive,Leslie Holland-Bartels |
907-786-7055 |
Deputy Regional Executive, Carl Markon (Acting) (shared with Alaska Science Center) |
907-786-7023 |
Program Officer, Mark Shasby |
907-786-7065 |
Regional Management Officer, Jim Kratz (shared with Northwest Area), 909 1st Avenue, 8th Floor, Seattle WA 98104 |
206-220-4620 |
Staff Scientist, A.C. Brown |
907-786-7002 |
Secretary, Katherine Wheeler (shared with Alaska Science Center) |
907-786-7074 |
Regional Executives -- Northwest Area: Seattle WA
(WA, OR, ID)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Leslie Dierauf |
206-220-4600 |
Deputy Regional Executive, Nancy Lee |
206-220-4600 |
Program Officer, Lief Horwitz, 909 1st Avenue, 8th Floor, Seattle WA 98104 |
206-220-4616 |
Regional Management Officer, Jim Kratz (shared with Alaska Area), 909 1st Avenue, 8th Floor, Seattle WA 98104 |
206-220-4620 |
Staff Scientist, Tracy Fuentes, 909 1st Avenue, 8th Floor, Seattle WA 98104 |
206-220-4618 |
Program Analyst, Aaron Prestegard, 909 1st Avenue, 8th Floor, Seattle WA 98104 |
206-220-4614 |
Secretary, Angela E Freeman, 909 1st Avenue, 8th Floor, Seattle WA 98104 |
206-220-4600 |
Regional Executives -- Southwest Area: 3020 State University Drive East, Modoc Hall, Suite 3005, Sacramento, CA 95819
(CA, NV, UT, AZ, HI)
Title, Name, Mail Stop |
Phone |
Regional Executive, Michael V. Shulters |
916-278-9551 |
Deputy Regional Executive, Jeffrey A. Keay |
916-278-9561 |
Senior Science Advisor, Leonard Gaydos
| 916-278-9548 |
Program Officer, Derrick Hirsch |
916-278-9559 |
Program Officer, David Busch, 2130 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR 97201 |
503-251-3246 |
Regional Management Officer,Rona Peters |
916-278-9558 |
Asst. Regional Management Officer, Tina Palmer |
916-278-9364 |
Program Analyst, Connie Handewith |
916-278-9367 |
Program Analyst, Ann Thomason |
916-278-9557 |
Secretary, Mary Jo Landers |
916-278-9551 |
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