line Foreword

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), U.S. Department of Justice, is pleased to present the OVC National Directory of Victim Assistance Funding Opportunities 2001. The directory lists, by state and territory, the contact names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses for the federal grant programs that provide assistance to crime victims. This directory also includes information on grant programs that assist state and local agencies to prepare for and respond to incidents of domestic terrorism and criminal mass casualty. Federal grant programs listed are:

  • Victims of Crime Act (VOCA).
  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
  • Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance (Byrne).
  • Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant (PHHSBG).
  • Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA).
  • Children’s Justice Act (CJA) State and Tribal Grant Programs.
  • Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support (OSLDPS).
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
  • State Victim Service Grant Programs.

In addition, many state governments allocate state funding to assist victims of crime. If a state allocates such funding, and the administrator responded to OVC’s survey by providing contact information, the directory will include the state agency and the contact person.

OVC hopes that this directory is useful to state and local organizations that are interested in applying for state or federal funding to support crime victim assistance programs. The directory is published annually to provide up-to-date information and is available through OVC’s Resource Center and Web site.


OVC National Directory of Victim Assistance Funding Opportunities
September 2001

This document was last updated on May 07, 2008