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LANL: Science: Fellows

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The Laboratory Fellows organization was established in 1981 and is made up of technical staff members who have been appointed by the Director to the rank of Fellow in recognition of sustained outstanding contributions and exceptional promise for continued professional achievement.

The Fellows are limited to two percent of the technical staff, who, by charter, may not be members of the Laboratory management.

The Fellows advise the management on technical issues of importance to the Laboratory. To promote technical achievements, the Fellows organize symposia and public lectures and administer the Fellows Prize for Outstanding Research in Science or Engineering and the Fellows Prize for Outstanding Leadership in Science or Engineering.

2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |


Robert C. Albers is an internationally recognized expert on the role of electronic structures on the physical properties of complex materials. His pioneering work has greatly contributed to the Laboratory's leadership in understanding the electronic structures of actinides and other metals and alloys.

Paul A. Johnson is recognized as a driving force behind a new field of research: nonlinear, nonequilibrium dynamics. Recently he became widely known for research that showed how earthquakes can trigger one another, sometimes long after the original event has subsided.

Kurt E. Sickafus is among the world's leading experts in understanding the effects of radiation on solid materials. His research has led to development of predictive models for radiation susceptibility in a wide range of oxide materials and has helped identify substances that are particularly radiation tolerant.


James Mercer-Smith is widely recognized for his scientific insight, deep technical understanding, and pivotal contributions to the field of nuclear weapons.

Roman Movshovich is an internationally recognized leader in low temperature physics whose scientific acumen and innovative thinking have led to signficiant discoveries and critical insight in elucidating the properties of strongly correlated electron and heavy fermion systems.

Harvey Rose has a sustained record of contributions in plasma physics, fluid dynamics, and statistical physics.

Richard Sheffield is internationally recognized for his contributions to the development of ultra-high brightness beams and free electron lasers.


Petr Chylek is a world-recognized expert in optical sciences, aerosol physics, atmospheric science and climate change research.

Keith H. Despain has made sustained, high-level achievements in nuclear weapons programs, is a recognized authority in weapons design, and has provided distinguished and exemplary service to Laboratory programs.

Rajan Gupta is a leading figure in the international high-energy physics community, having made pathbreaking contributions to the development of lattice quantum chromodynamics and computational high-energy physics.

Joyce Guzik has a sustained record of high-quality contributions to the nuclear weapons program, and has produced a substantial body of internationally recognized work in astrophysics. She is also recognized for her work on stellar evolution and pulsation.

Jane E. (Beth) Nordholt has an international reputation in space science, having developed mass spectrometry and concentrator instrumentation deployed on the NASA Cassini, Deep Space 1 and Genesis missions. In addition, she has made substantial, high-level contributions to intelligence community programs, and is recognized and acknowledged for work in quantum cryptology.


Alexander Balatsky

Michael Baskes

Andrew Hime

John Singleton

James Theiler

Gary Wall

Dan Winske


Alan Bishop was recognized for his major contributions in the areas of solitons and low dimensional materials, quantum complexity, nonlinear excitations in structural and magnetic transitions, collective excitations in low-dimensional materials and complex electronic materials with strong spin-charge-lattice coupling.

Joseph A. Carlson was honored for his pioneering efforts in the field of the theoretical simulation of the properties of light nuclei and for developing numerical techniques accurate enough to test all significant components of the nuclear force.

Richard I. Epstein was selected for his pioneering efforts in high-energy astrophysics-cosmic rays, neutron stars and Gamma-ray bursts; and nuclear astrophysics-supernova and the origin of elements, as well as his substantial contributions to the field of optical cooling of solid-state media.

Byron B. Goldstein was recognized for his contributions in the field of mathematical immunology and cell biology, specifically in modeling cell signaling cascades, pursuing cutting-edge research in cell activation, cell-signaling, cell surface receptor-ligand interactions and the generation of allergic responses.

Victor I. Klimov was recognized for his ground-breaking research in the area of semiconductor nanocrystal quantum-dot photophysics, including his seminal contributions to the field of quantum dots, both in time domain studies of ultrafast energy transfer and Auger processes, as well as in the development of the quantum dot laser.

Brad A. Meyer was honored for his substantial contributions in the mission-critical area of gas transfer systems needed by the nuclear weapons program.

Dimitri Mihalas, a pioneer in astrophysical computational physics, was named a Lab Fellow for his contributions in the fields of radiation transport, radiation hydrodynamics and astrophysical quantitative spectroscopy.


Carol J. Burns was honored for her seminal contributions to transition metal and actinide coordination and organometallic chemistry. Burns has a number of "firsts" which have resulted in her international reputation, including the preparation and characterization of the first uranium (VI) monoxo compounds and first reactive uranium imido complexes, and uranium phosphinidenes. The 2003 Fellows Prize recently recognized the importance of this work and its impact on the field of actinide chemistry.

R. Brian Dyer was named Laboratory Fellow for having attained international recognition in the application of time resolved vibrational spectroscopy to protein folding, the functional dynamics of redox metalloproteins and electron transfer reactions of inorganic model compounds. Dyer's impact on these fields is perhaps most notable in his work on protein folding, where he developed techniques that now allow for the study of early events in protein folding.

Robert S. Hixson was named for his exceptional basic and applied research in shockwave physics. He has spent the last two and a half decades focusing on experiments to determine the equations of state and constitutive properties of materials under extreme conditions. His work on the shock response of plutonium has been an essential element of stockpile stewardship and he played a leading role in the design and implementation of a gas-gun capability for plutonium at Technical Area 55.

Quanxi Jia, working in the areas of superconductivity, magnetic materials and thin-films, has conducted pioneering research in complex oxide thin film growth and is a recognized leader in the field of electronic device fabrication. Some of his important contributions include the development of high-performance Josephson Junctions in superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDS) and the invention of fabrication methods for multi-layer thin films used to develop novel microwave devices.

Nicholas S. P. King was selected as a Laboratory Fellow for his outstanding and sustained contributions to the Nuclear Weapons Programs at Los Alamos over the past 20 years. He is internationally recognized as the developer of PINEX (Pinhole Imaging Neutron Experiment) that allowed, for the first time, the imaging of nuclear reactions in flight in underground nuclear tests. His work pioneered a series of imaging techniques that have revolutionized measurements in the nuclear weapons program.

Michael M. Nieto has made significant contributions to several areas of physics including particle physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. His work has influenced both theoreticians and experimentalists and is nationally and internationally recognized. In addition to his personal scientific contributions, Nieto also has contributed to the Laboratory by encouraging numerous collaborations and inspiring a league of young scientists.

Arthur F. Voter was named Laboratory Fellow for research on increasing the power and quality of atomistic simulation methods. In particular, his work on methods for accelerating molecular dynamics (hyperdynamics and temperature-accelerated dynamics) have allowed the world to perform materials simulations on much longer time-scales than has previously been possible -- time scales at which processes such as metallic surface diffusion, protein or polymer folding and surface growth occur.

Lab press release.


L. Boulaevskii spent the first two-thirds of his career in the former Soviet Union where he earned a international reputation in condensed matter theory.

H. A. Crissman was recognized both for his role in the development of the widely used flow cytometry technique and his expertise in cell biology.

S. P. Gary is one of the world's foremost authorities on space plasma instabilities.

G. T. (Rusty) Gray was honored for his record of achievement in the weapons materials program and international recognition as an authority in high strain rate and shock wave physics.

B. T. Korber is a noted authority in the field of molecular evolution and immunology with particular expertise in evolution of HIV and SIV viruses.


J. D. Bdzil was named Laboratory Fellow for having attained international recognition in the field of detonation theory. His work has had an impact on many of the important theoretical developments in detonation theory over the last 30 years. Bdzil's detonation shock dynamics method has become the recognized standard for highly accurate numerical modeling of detonation in high-explosive systems. This work has improved the Laboratory's ability to model the behavior of complex explosive systems.

D. L. Clark was named for his exceptional work in the structural inorganic and environmental chemistries of the actinides and his stewardship of the Seaborg Institute at Los Alamos. He is recognized internationally for his efforts to bring state-of-the-art molecular science concepts in structural characterization and theory of inorganic chemistry to the chemistry of the actinide elements. The most notable example of these efforts has been Clark's involvement in the development of a new research field known as molecular environmental science where molecular level understanding is used to unravel the fate and transport of actinide ions in the environment.

P. J. Jackson was recognized for his creative, highly regarded research in the fields of molecular and cellular biology and his recent efforts in the area of biological threat reduction. He is responsible for developing novel applications and pioneering research tools used in the field including polymerase chain reaction -based and amplified fragment length polymorphism-based methods for the rapid detection and unambiguous identification of biological threat agents and other human and animal pathogens. Jackson came to Los Alamos as a Director's Funded Postdoctoral Fellow. He was awarded the Laboratory's Distinguished Patent Award in 1990 and is the co-author on five U.S. patents.

T. C. Terwilliger was recognized for his outstanding work in the development of the computer program SOLVE, which enables the creation of automated solutions of protein crystal structures from x-ray diffraction data sets. He also has been a leader in the development of a new field called "structural genomics," which aims to discover the three-dimensional shapes of all proteins in nature. He is the leader of a worldwide consortium of more than 250 scientists applying the ideas of structural genomics to find new anti-TB drugs by identifying the structures of proteins from mycobacterium tuberculosis. Terwilliger is an American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow and a recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator Award, a 1998 R&D 100 Award, and a Los Alamos Distinguished Copyright Award.

J. D. Thompson was honored or his efforts in discovering and understanding uncoventional forms of superconductivity and magnetism that have contributed substantially to Los Alamos' reputation as a center of world-class materials research. Thompson is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and has received awards for his work from the Laboratory, the Department of Energy, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He is one of the top 150 most frequently cited physicists in the world.

M. M. Wood-Schultz was honored for major contributions to the Laboratory's nuclear weapons program, particularly for her work in weapons certification both before and after the cessation of nuclear testing. She has distinguished herself as a foremost expert on the physics certification of the secondaries of nuclear weapons and is widely recognized for her important contributions in nuclear weapons intelligence. She has served as a long-time steward of a stockpiled thermonuclear weapon system and in that capacity has pioneered the technical management of emerging weapons issues.

(Lab press release.)


L. A. Collins received the title of Laboratory Fellow in recognition of his statusas a much-published, heavily cited author and innovator of several widelyused techniques in the computation of electron-molecule interactionsand properties of dense plasmas. A Fellow of the American PhysicalSociety, Collins has been an Associate Editor of Physical Review A since 1994 and is a driving force behind the Los Alamos Summer School in Physics, serving as its director since 1992.

P. C. Hammel was recognized for his creative, highly regarded research in the competitive field of high-temperature superconductivity. Also a Fellow of the American Physical Society, Hammel received the Los Alamos Fellows Prize in 1995 for his frequently cited work elucidating the microphysics of copper-based high-temperature superconductors.

R. J. Hughes was named for having attained international recognition in the field of quantum information science. A Fellow of the American Physical Society known for his efforts in quantum cryptography and quantum computing, Hughes received the Los Alamos Fellows Prize in 1997 for his quantum information research, which brought quantum cryptography from a laboratory curiosity to a fieldable demonstration.

M. Nastasi has developed a new method for surface modification of materials called plasma immersion ion processing, and received, among other awards, the 1995 Los Alamos Fellows Prize for his extensive research on ion-solid interactions. Nastasi is co-author of a widely used textbook, "Ion Beam Processing: Fundamentals and Applications," and edits a handbook on ion beam materials analysis.

(Lab press release.)


A. Arko received the title of Laboratory Fellow in recognition for pioneering an entirely new means for studying the electronic structure of plutonium, developing the Laser Plasma Light Source, and his landmark achievements in the field of high-temperature superconductivity.

S. Chen was recognized for his breakthroughs in simulating turbulent flows, which have advanced the field of direct numerical simulation and understanding of turbulence at the deepest level.

S. Gottesfeld has attained international recognition in the field of fuel cell technology, including the first complete treatment of the basic elements of water management in fuel cells.

S. Lamoreaux was recognized for his many important, pioneering experimental studies of fundamental symmetries using neutrons and atoms and his successful first observation of the Casimir force.

R. P. Weaver was recognized for his efforts to improve the predictive capability of radiation-hydrodynamics calculations and his standing as one of the foremost experts in the physics of thermonuclear weapons, both of which are widely acknowledged throughout both the national and international scientific communities.

(Lab press release.)


E. E. Fenimore is a recognized authority in gamma ray imaging, gamma-ray burst astrophysics and treaty verification. His early patent of Uniformly Redundant Arrays, a high-energy imaging technique based on coded apertures, has become the standard technique for astronomical observations between 10 kilovolts and 1 megavolts. He also is widely recognized for his dedication to attracting and mentoring a wide range of students.

J. G. Hills has made large contributions to Laboratory and international programs in astrophysics, interplanet science and asteroid interdiction. He also is recognized worldwide as one of the major authorities in the field of stellar dynamics and has made seminal contributions to the quantitative understanding of interactions between binary and single stars in clusters.

J. M. Moss who also recently received the prestigious Tom W. Bonner Prize, the highest honor given by the Division of Nuclear Physics in the American Physical Society, has made many contributions in the field of nuclear physics. His work has provided a great deal of insight into the sea quark distribution in nuclei and is generally regarded as one of the truly important research efforts in nuclear physics.

D. H. White is an internationally recognized expert in the field of neutrino physics and has been a major force in the area of low-energy neutrino interactions the past two decades. His work on the Liquid Scintillator Neutron Detector neutrino oscillation experiment has been cited as potentially one of the most important neutrino experiments of the decade.


R. F. Benjamin has achieved significant accomplishments in inertial confinement fusion, fluid interfaces and shock waves, and other areas.

R. E. Ecke is an expert in such areas as pattern formation in rotation convection and turbulence in convection.

R. A. Forster was recognized for developing new algorithms that make detailed photon radiography possible and performing the first weapons-converted production code and algorithms.

W. C. Priedhorsky was recognized for the conception and creation of the Array of Low-energy X-ray Imaging Sensors (ALEXIS).

M. F. Thomsen is a world-renown expert on the radiation belts of Jupiter, Earth's magnetosphere and other areas of space physics.

M. G. Tuszewski is a recognized world leader in the field of plasma science, including magnetically confined plasmas for nuclear fusion and inductively-coupled plasmas.

B. H. Wilde is one of the foremost experts in nuclear weapons design and the physics of thermonuclear weapon operations.


C. Morris
J. M. Pedicini
J-C. Peng
D. L. Smith
J. C. Solem
W. H. Zurek


A. W. Charmatz
G. A. Glatzmaier
J. H. Jett
J. L. Kammerdiener
A. Migliori
J. J. Petrovic
D. D. Strottman
J. Trewhella


T. J. Bowles
J. N. Ginocchio
A. R. Jacobson
P. W. Milonni
G. Myers
J. R. Nix
N. S. Nogar
R. B. Schwarz
G. W. Swift


J. L. Anderson
T. P. Wangler
P. G. Young


C. D. Bowman
J. T. Gosling
P. J. Hay
F. N. Mortensen


M. B. Johnson
T. E. Mitchell
A. S. Perelson
J. W. Shaner
B. I. Swanson


P. O. Judd
W. H. Woodruff


J. K. Dukowicz
J. L. Friar
R. W. Klebesadel
J. L. Parker
G. T. Schappert
J. W. Taylor


D. J. Dudziak
J. W. Gordon
D. D. Holm
R. G. H. Robertson


W. C. Feldman
W. B. Goad
G. J. Kubas


R. G. Keepin
N. H. Krikorian
G. Zwieg


D. DuBois
Z. Fisk
E. Flynn
D. Sharp
R. Tobey


G. A. Baker
J. U. Brackbill
A. A. Browman
A. N. Cox
L. R. Gurley
E. M. Jones
L. H. Jones
R. A. Keller
N. A. Kurnit
H. R. Lewis
J. D. Louck
J. L. Lyman
R. S. McDowell
H. O. Menlove
R. L. Mills
C. J. Orth
R. T. Pack
R. C. Slansky
B. K. Swartz
D. C. Wallace
J. W. Ward
P. P. Whalen
W. J. Worlton


R. D. Cowan
W. C. Davis
C. M. Fowler
C. L. Mader
J. A. Phillips
R. M. Potter
H. Sheinberg
J. L. Smith
T. F. Stratton
B. Wendroff
G. West
J. B. Wilhelmy


S. J. Bame
D. W. Barr
J. D. Bowman
H. C. Britt
R. L. Burman
E. Cashwell
J. D. Doll
M. Feigenbaum
D. W. Forslund
G. E. Hansen
F. Harlow
J. D. Knight
J. Marshall
G. H. McCall
A. G. Petschek
M. R. Raju
H. Rogers
R. N. Rogers
D. Swenson


In 2009, the Fellows will meet at 3:00 pm on the third Tuesday of odd months. The meetings are usually held in the Cochiti Room on the second floor of the J. Robert Oppenheimer Study Center with a reception following.

  • Tuesday, January 20, 2009
  • Tuesday, March 17, 2009
  • Tuesday, May 19, 2009
  • Tuesday, July 21, 2009
  • Tuesday, September 15, 2009
  • Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Officers 2009-2010

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