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David M. Moore

    OEMM Web Team

Photograph of offshore inspectors.Photograph of a seabird.Photograph of an ice island.Photograph of a fish.Photograph of a platform at sunset.Photograph of fish feeding beneath a platform.Photograph of a welder working on an offshore platform.
 MMS Oil Spill Program

Through authorities vested by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) and Executive Order 12777, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) is responsible for oil spill planning, preparedness, and select response activities for facilities located seaward of the coastline
(175.60 KB PDF file). Covered are fixed and floating facilities engaged in exploration, development, and production activities that invPhoto of a sunset, offshore platform on the horizon.olve any form of liquid hydrocarbon.  Pipelines that transport oil to or between platforms, or to onshore locations are also under MMS jurisdiction. Deepwater ports are regulated by the Maritime Administration under the Deepwater Ports Act, as amended.

The MMS Oil Spill Program was established to oversee planning and preparedness activities of operators of regulated facilities in offshore waters.  The goal of the program is to ensure that, during a response, those who will operate oil spill response equipment or serve on management teams are prepared to do so in a manner that prevents or minimizes safety hazards to responders and the public, and negative impacts to the natural or built environments.  In carrying out its responsibilities, MMS has developed enforcement actions called potential incidents of non-compliance (PINCs) that are assessed when oil spill prevention, planning, preparedness and response practices are found to be deficient.  In cases where infractions are minor and pose no immediate threat or hazard, warnings are issued.  In more severe cases, however, PINCs can lead to the shut in of facilities and civil and/or criminal penalties.

The MMS Oil Spill Program covers three primary areas.  The links below contain more details on the program or links to oil spill prevention, planning, preparedness, response, and recovery resources.  Questions related to MMS oil spill planning and preparedness policies and procedures should be directed to program contacts at the appropriate headquarters and/or regional office.  Reports of oil spills should be directed to district and/or regional offices in keeping with current MMS emergency reporting requirements.                                                                                                                                               

Planning – Requirements for and information on Oil Spill Response Plans (OSRPs) and oil spill financial responsibility (OSFR) for covered facilities in both State and Federal offshore waters.

Preparedness – Information on MMS unannounced oil spill drills, unannounced equipment inspections, training, and exercises for response personnel and equipment.

Response – Roles of the operator, the federal on-scene coordinator (FOSC), and MMS throughout a spill response from a regulated facility.

Resources – Laws, regulations, policies, organizations, and data related to oil spill prevention, planning, preparedness, response, and recovery in the U.S. and its territorial waters.

Last Updated: 11/13/2008, 03:24:54 PM

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