Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Project Categories: OHMSETT ~ The National Oil Spill Response and Renewable Energy Test Facility
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Teal Spacer


Matthew Quinney

    OEMM Web Team

Teal Spacer
Teal Spacer

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   Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Project Categories


The National Oil Spill Response and Renewable Energy Test Facility

Aerial view of the Ohmsett facility located in Leonardo, NJ approximately one hour south of New York City.
Aerial view of the Ohmsett facility located in Leonardo, NJ approximately one hour south of New York City.
Aerial view of the Ohmsett facility located in Leonardo, NJ approximately one hour south of New York City”.

Ohmsett Oil Spilll Response Research & Renewable Energy FacilityOhmsett provides oil spill response testing, training, and research opportunities to government, industry, academia, and private organizations on a reimbursable basis. Ohmsett is the only facility that can test full sized oil spill response equipment with a variety of crude oils and refined petroleum products under reproducible marine conditions. MMS is now collaborating with partners to test renewable wave energy devices. Additional information about this capability is available in this fact sheet. (1.17 KB PDF)

Ohmsett assists MMS to fulfill oil spill regulatory responsibilities under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). Responsibility to manage Ohmsett came from OPA 90. Funding for operation and maintenance costs of Ohmsett are covered by the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSTLF). The OSTLF derives its funds from a tax on companies that produce or transport oil.

The Ohmsett tank is 667 feet long, 65 feet wide and 11 feet deep. The tank is filled to a depth of 8 feet with 2.6 million gallons of crystal clear water. Three different wave forms up to 3 feet high can be created by the wave generator. The tank water is drawn from nearby Sandy Hook Bay and filtered. Salt is added to bring the salinity up to open ocean values. Oil spill response equipment can be towed at speeds up to 6.5 knots.

Breaking waves generated at Ohmsett.

Breaking waves generated at Ohmsett.

Standard test protocols are used at Ohmsett to evaluate oil spill containment booms and skimmers. Ohmsett provides the intermediate step between small scale and open water testing of equipment. It is estimated that 95% of the performance data on mechanical equipment was obtained at Ohmsett.

MMS continues to expand the capabilities at Ohmsett. In 1998, in situ burning was added. An air-injected underwater propane burner system simulates the temperatures associated with burning oil at sea. The system is used to evaluate the performance and survivability of fire resistant booms. In 1999, the capability to measure dispersant effectiveness over a wide range of conditions was added. In 2009, MMS added Spanish language response classes, dispersant training classes, and renewable wave energy testing capabilities.

The Ohmsett staff has extensive experience in oil spill response testing and training. The engineers are available to assist in equipment design, manufacture, and evaluation procedures. For further information on the Ohmsett facility or to order brochures, newsletters and videos, please visit the Ohmsett website.

To arrange a tour, or to discuss testing, training or research opportunities at Ohmsett contact:

Matthew Quinney
Project Manager, Ohmsett Facility
732-866-7189 (FAX)

Address: Ohmsett Facility
Naval Weapons Station Earle, Waterfront
Route 36, Building R-26
Leonardo, New Jersey 07737

Ohmsett Projects
109 Oil Spill Response Equipment Performance Verification
121 Water Jet Barrier Containment of Oil in the Presence of Broken Ice
155 Identification of Substitute Test Facilities for OHMSETT
163 Preparation a Test Protocol for Offshore Oil Skimmers and Containment Booms
240 Development of a Frequency Scanning Radiometer to Measure Oil Slick Thickness, Phase II
247 Numerical Modeling of Oil Boom Behavior and Rapid Current Boom Development
289 Re-Engineering of a Stainless Steel Fireproof Boom for Using in Conjunction with Conventional Firebooms
298 Testing at Ohmsett to Determine Optimum Times to Decant to Temporary Storage Devices
299 Estimation of Towing Forces on Oil Spill Containment Booms
309 Development of an OHMSETT Activity Summary Report
310 Mechanical Oil Recovery in Ice Infested Waters (MORICE)
333 Field Experiments at the Ohmsett Facility, Especially for a Newly Designed Boom System
375 Development of Dispersant Test Protocol at Ohmsett
391 Fire Boom Testing at Ohmsett
395 Extending Temporary Storage Capacity Offshore with Emulsion Breakers
427 Dispersant Effectiveness Test Protocol Development for Ohmsett
428 Procedures for Reporting Tests of Oil Spill Containment Booms and Skimmers
450 Dispersant Effectiveness Testing in Cold Water
456 Techniques to Remove Dissolved Dispersant from Ohmsett Basin Water
457 Effect of Oil Spill Containment Boom Characteristics on Boom Performance
458 Process for the Removal of Spent Oil Spill Dispersants from Test Water at Ohmsett
476 Ohmsett 2003 Cold Water Dispersant Effectiveness Experiments
477 Correlating Results of Dispersants Effectiveness at Ohmsett with Identical At-Sea Trials: Effects of Oil Viscosity and Dispersant to Oil Ratio
478 Development of a Standard Method for Measuring the Buoyancy-to-Weight Ratio for Oil Spill Containment Boom
486 Fate of Emulsion Breakers Used for Decanting
493 Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects
507 Correlating Results of Ohmsett Dispersant Test with At-Sea Trials: Workshop to Coordinate Publications and Prioritize Follow-up Dispersant Studies at Ohmsett
511 Tailored Polymeric Materials for Oil Spill Recovery in Marine Environments
514 Dispersant Effectiveness Testing on Heavy OCS Crude Oils at Ohmsett
515 Wave Field Characterization at the Ohmsett Wave Test Basin
520 Summary Report of Activities at the Minerals Management Service Ohmsett Facility
526 Correlate Ohmsett Dispersant Tests with At Sea Trials; Supplemental Tests to Complete Test Matrix
528 Optimization of Oleophilic Skimmer Recovery
542 Dispersant Effectiveness Testing on Realistic Emulsions at Ohmsett
544 Real-time Detection of Oil Slick Thickness Patterns with a Portable Multispectral Sensor
545 Calm Sea Application of Dispersants
546 Chemical Dispersibility of OCS Crude Oils in Non-Breaking Waves, Part 1 Determining the Limiting Oil Viscosity for Dispersion in Non-Breaking
554 Mid-Scale Test Tank Research on Using Oil Herding Surfactants to Thicken Oil Slicks in Broken Ice
568 Research at Ohmsett on the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants on Alaskan Oils in Cold Water

Last Updated: 08/24/2009, 05:19 PM Central Time